Video Games Good/Bad?

I think moderation is key.

I am a mom of three kids. My oldest had minorly poor hand eye coordination in early Elementary school age. A hand held video game was suggested to us, so bought her a Nintendo DS. Bingo. Worked like a charm. Does she play all day for hours on end? No.

AND I strongly believe the types of games are very important. Shooting violent games versus 'educational' or family games.
I love the mix of responses! Thinking about it now, everything is variable, Depending on the individual's Personality, Age, Life. I never thought of video games being a "Safe thing" keeping kids out of trouble. We grow up in a small town that there really isn't much to do and the kids are pretty good. I think the concept for WII games are great, I just dont like VDs period. I never have been "Drawn" to them. And i think again, the types of games is dependent on the kid. Should a 9 y.o. be Playing call of duty? Probably not. I dont think VDs should be a baby sitter too, Like if your home trying to make dinner, yeah it's okay to let 'em play it so you can make dinner. But I don't think kids should play VDs all day if they have a snow day, they should be out side in the snow. Same thing in the summer, unless it's freaking hot out they should be out side being kids!

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