Videos of My Ducks from the Past Month! (3)

I am actually searching to get one of these. My Ducks are afraid of any lawn sprinkler, tried out several and they enjoyed the wet gras after i turned off the sprinkler. :confused:
So, you intend to set up a sprinkler pool, fill it but not have the sprinkling part going, wait until a bunch are having fun, then TURN ON THE WATER AND WATCH THE FEATHERS FLY?? :lau
I am actually searching to get one of these. My Ducks are afraid of any lawn sprinkler, tried out several and they enjoyed the wet gras after i turned off the sprinkler. :confused:
I keep the hose barely running, so the sprinkler stays low and is more enjoyable to the ducks. I tried turning the hose to the max, and water shot all over the place!! :rolleyes:

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