Waiting for my first eggs... 22 weeks now... how old were yours?


9 Years
Oct 3, 2010
My girls will be 22 weeks old this weekend... no eggs yet. I know it could be any day and some of my breeds are known to take longer.

For people who had these breeds, when did yours start laying? They are definitely getting more vocal lately, but I think part has to do with me moving the babies out to an adjacent coop over the weekend and them yelling at me for their darned treats. Spoiled! I put fake eggs in their next boxes, but I don't think they have even gone in them at all. I gave access to them a week ago.

Black Australorp
Lt Brahma

I also have these breeds but they are a lot younger so I know I have a while to wait, but when did yours start laying?

Buff Orps
Ameraucana (pure) (my 2 are cochin crosses)
Marans (if they end up pullets that is)
Standard Cochin
White Leghorn

toss em a lil cat food
I have a variety. A couple started at 18 weeks, and every week I have got a few more eggs per day. Currently, at about 24 weeks the record is 14 eggs in one day out of 29 hens. I am guessing that just over 20 are currently laying on and off, but probably not all 29. So, my flock suggests that you should not worry, although I would think that leghorn should start laying soon. I will presume all are laying when I get closer to 20 in one day.
Pure Ameraucana tend to lay later. I have five pullets that didn't start laying until they were past 30 weeks. Just have to be patient but surprisingly they have been my most faithful layers. My SLW and GLW are a lot more hit or miss and those are hatchery stock so I have been surprised at the low egg laying rate with them.
My leghorn is only 8 weeks old, so I would guess she still has some time... the Delaware is closest is my guess at 22 weeks.

Do you feed catfood? Wet/dry?
I have had eggs as early as 15 weeks and as late as 26 weeks. I have a mixed flock, Orps to EE to Black Australorps, Golden Comet, RIR, leghorn mixes and some othe mutts..
I have EE's, buff brahmas and 1 cochin. All started between 16 weeks and 20 weeks. But I am told that they started this early b/c I have a rooster?
Mine were all between 6-7 months. I'm still waiting on two that are 6 months old now. They did just start doing the egg squat, so I know they are close. It seems that as soon as one starts laying, it triggers the rest of them. Hang in there!

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