Wandering dog spray-painted 'Go Home'

I second that jmofaustin, spray paint can be irritating not only to the dog's skin, but also to it's eyes, mouth, and other sensitive body parts.

There is a black lab that wanders into my yard EVERY SINGLE DAY and he killed one of my rabbits last weekend, so I know how frustrating it is to have a maurauding dog running amok in the yard. And I know that spray painting is seen as more humane than shooting, but in the time it took to spray paint the dog and probably laugh about it, they could have found a better way to get their message across.

On that note: Bingo daubers are non-toxic and you could probably give the dog a nice polka-dotted clown look without necessarily harming it.
~ Oaknim
I like the idea of the spraypaint! Whoohoo! It didin't hurt the dog. Just brought they message home so to speak! My neighbors dog is the kind you want to paintball not just spraypaint. And as for the dead chicken part I don't see how that would deter my dogs they roll in the first dead thing they find! Just rub it on like it's expensive colonge! Yuck!
Coming from a true North Carolina "REDNECK" Woman....if someone spray painted...shot....hit....or even yelled at my dog, you'd better RUN. REDNECKS take pride in their animals. A dog is a REDNECKS best friend.

Just playin.
I am a proud redneck though!!!! People, don't spray paint people's dogs. Come on now!!!! When a dog comes onto my land you know what I do.....I let it play with my dog! When they're done playin it goes home.

That's my 2 cents worth.

If you'd ever had animals killed by a predator, wild or not then you'd know that you want to prevent that happening ever again. There are multiple ways to do this, but just letting things carry on as they are will only result in more of your (and possibly other people's) animals being killed. IMHO if it has killed once it will kill again. Better to kill one animal than to let it go on and kill 20 more.
At first I thought it was a funny story, then I thought - poor dog, but also we don't know the whole story, the dog might be a stray thats been harrassing kids and other pets, what it comes down to is still - poor dog. No offense to anyone who lost a chicken or other pet to a loose dog.
It's worth reading the article.

If they'd have caught the person, it would have been expensive for the "criminal". Prosecution would have been stiff.

But shoot and kill the dog, no problem. Perfectly legal, and it's the right thing to do.

It's not the theme they meant to produce, but they did none the less.

Ok but does spray paint make the dog say,"Maybe I should stop going over there?!" No! Find the owners of call the pound, the spray paint didn't do a thing.
Well, at the risk of getting 'flamed' I'll tell my story:

My Australian Shepherd female was coming in season and I wanted to breed her.
Had the male picked out and was just waiting until she was in a standing heat.

The ONLY time she was outside was on a 4 foot leash to do her duty. I had trained her from a young age to 'go' on command so I didn't have to stand around while she sniffed everything in site. (This came in REAL handy when she was in season as less time outside = less time for a hit and run by the dogs in the neighborhood.)

Anyway, back on track. I lived in the country and had a Rhodesian Ridgeback X male that kept coming around. Country was way to hilly with lots of pastures around to try the 'follow home' method and have a talk with the owners. So I tried sending a note - several times.

Well, that got no response as he showed up EVERY SINGLE DAY. :thun The last straw for me was when I took my female staight from the front door to the vehicle and loaded her up to go meet her date. Before I could get the door shut - that male came out of nowhere and jumped in also! Grabbed him by the back leg and yanked him out. Caught a handful of scruff and dragged him over to the shed. Got a can of red spray paint and make a Bullseye on his side.

Never saw him again.

I went to lunch with my Sister about 2 weeks later and we were 'catching up'. Told her the story and she about fell out of her chair laughing. Turns out, the dog belonged to a friend of hers and the woman had been MOST UPSET that someone would be SO cruel as to paint a bullseye on her BELOVED dog.

At first my Sister had been sympathetic - until the woman went on to say she had gotten a couple of notes pinned to his collar. But she figured she had moved to the country so that her dog could be 'free' and didn't think anyone had the right to tell her to tie/pen her dog up.

I was perfectly within my rights to have shot that dog - but was trying to be more humane in getting the point across - KEEP YOUR DOG HOME!!!!!
I have to say that, being a dog owner myself... the message was as painless a way of getting the point across. I also have a problem with my sister's dog coming to my house during storms. He is also a digger, trying to get at my chicks. I can't let them free range without being there to stand guard. The dog is a pain in the butt. He has done damage to my crawlspace etc.He's even found my doggie door and helps himself in, sometimes peeing on my floor. UGH!
My son helps by standing guard to nail him with a BB gun. Which my sister totally agrees with him doing. But if she would only take my suggestion and make a doggie door into the garage the dog would probably stay put. But she won't do this. Therefore I am forced to use force. I feel like a cry baby when I have to call her to say"Come get Dingo, he's here again". My dogs are home bodies, they never leave unless we do, on foot. It is each pet owners responsibility to keep a hold of their pets. If he gets to my chicks, I will have lost a small fortune on what I have put into them. Sorry, can't abide that. BB gun in hand I will do what I have to to protect my livestock.
This may sound hateful, but it is as they say, my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.
I have a dog that has been showing up at my house for over a year now. Very nice dog, friendly and gentle, but a nuisance when my girl is in heat. He is also suspect now in the killing of 2 of my birds, as I saw him at the coop the morning after..
The dog has no collar, so I'm going to get one and put a note on it as a first attempt. If it continues to come back, I'm not sure what will be the second attempt..we don't have leash laws where I live, or at least not that I am aware of. And I don't believe he needs to be killed- another will just show up after him and I'm not going to become a serial dog killer.

I guess where I'm going with this is-even though I pen my dogs, there have been times when they got loose and wandered the countryside. My girl came home the other day from a run-about, carrying some other poor animals food dish..FULL of food. I can't imagine where she got it, but I'm sure glad that she made it home, rather than being shot or otherwise hurt.
I agree that animals should be kept home, but if they are not, it is not the animal that should be punished so severely, it is the owner that should be punished.
Now, in my opinion, if you are going to keep chickens- it is YOUR responsibility to keep them safe. As a responsible owner, you have to assume there will be predators of all sorts, including other peoples pets, and plan accordingly. I've lost 2 birds to..something..I don't know who or what, but ultimately it was my stupidity that lost the birds. I should have kept them in a more secure place. Even a dumb dog will learn that yes, there are yummy chickens on the other side of the fence, but no, I've never been able to get through the fence, so I'll go find an easier place to wreak havoc...
As far as neighborhood pets..they are wandering because it is in their nature to wander. They kill because it is in their nature to hunt and kill. Paintballs and/or spraypaint won't change a million years worth of instinct. Now...if you paintball the owner...lol...

Just my opinion.

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