want a tip that will make your hens lay like its spring in the winter

As a bonus, you only have to add salt when you cook the eggs.
Worked for my hens! I had only been getting 1 egg a day since November. I have 9 hens and they have been up to 3-4 a day. Thanks for the advice! I've been telling everyone.

I separated 7 of the 20 EEs mentioned previously (from another 'home' a couple weeks ago). These 7 were the ones at the bottom of the pecking order....tails pecked quite a bit from poor protein diet and confinement. I started out getting only 1-2 eggs per day for 10 days. Then this Sunday (2/14) I started adding cayenne to their crumbles, wetted to make a mash. Mon/Tue/Wed I got 3 eggs/day...today I got 5!

And I wanted to emphasize from my previous post to this thread - it's not that hot pepper will "make them lay". It's actual benefit is in improved body functions, which in turn can support laying.

edit: typo
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I feed it a couple times per week, mostly in Winter & Spring. In Summer & Fall when we have garden refuse of various hot peppers to give them as treats, then I do not add hot pepper to their feed.

ETA: On hot days (over 90*F), I never add hot pepper to feed or give them hot peppers as treats. It warms the body and increases metabolism - not desirable in Summer heat.
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Well, I put some in the feed for my 20 week old pullets yesterday and found the first little egg today. Its as small as a silkie egg so I think it may have been a barred bantam mutt pullet that is a few weeks older than my 20 weekers.
So add some cayenne pepper and see what happens!
I have a dozen BR's--3 roos and 9 hens--and they've been pretty durned lazy lately! (Getting to be time to fill up the incubator, and the moon is almost right!)

I'm giving it a try! I just made up a pan of fresh, hot cornbread with cayenne and red pepper flakes...they LOVED it!

And NOW...more waiting! (tee hee! I can't wait!)


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