Wanted: Pics of your Chicks for my Article submission


chillin' with my peeps!
8 Years
Oct 3, 2015
Hi everyone!
So I've scrapped my old idea and now I'm trying something new that @Cyprus recommended. So a big shoutout to her!
I'm looking for some good quality pictures of your chicks for an article I will be creating for a competition on Chick Breed Identification. The chicks MUST be under 2 weeks old and should be purebred only. A picture of the parent stock to prove their breed would be ideal. If your pictures are good enough, they may get into my article!
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Hi everyone!
I'm looking for some good quality pictures of your chickens that show off some of their distinguishing features, such as feather color or pattern, leg color, comb type, etc. I need these pictures for my Article that I am writing for the contest! I will give you credit for the image.
Are you looking for specific breed? What age should they be?
Would these work? DSCF3798.JPG DSCF3797.JPG

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