Wanted: True Purebred Araucana

I’m in
Kansas City, Missouri

You can also search NPIP for Missouri (or any state) hatcheries and breeders: http://www.poultryimprovement.org/statesContent.cfm

They use breed codes. Here are the regular (non-bantam) breed codes for this breed:

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Best place in the US to order Araucana? We have Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas. But I would love real Araucana as well.
Just fyi, the breeders list on the Araucana's club website is severely outdated.
Try http://www.skyblueegg.com/ Ann Charles sells day old chicks and occasional started birds throughout the year. The president of the club, Jason Fishbein has 3 black clean faced pullets for sale now: https://araucanaaddiction.com/ Be prepared to pay out the wazoo no matter what seller you choose.

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