was this some rare 'other' kind of peacock I saw, or what?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Ontario, Canada
At Gerald Donnelly's reduction auction today (Caledon ON) there was this bird, not for sale, that I would say was closer to a peacock than anything, but was definitely not "a" peacock. I don't have pix, but...

...it was maybe half the size of a peacock, with a similar but not identical 'crown' of antenna-y feathers atop the head. The neck and chest were mainly sapphire blue, with large patches of all other bright metallic jewellike colors on various parts of body. The tail was not long - probably as short or shorter than a peahen's tail, and broader - and was a uniform metallic orange.

It was absolutely the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, like if you gave the finest jeweller in the world a billion dollars to commission him to make a living bird.

Not that I'd ever own such a thing, but, I am really curious, does anyone have any idea what it was I saw? If not a peacock of some sort I guess maybe some rare pheasant maybe??


Aha! You are telepathic
That is exactly it! (And clearly I misremembered where on the bird the large area of blue was located

Thank you!
What a =gorgeous= bird.


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