Washing & storing eggs

Don't wash, don't refrigerate... never have. I do occasionally give some away and let the recipients know they have not been washed or refrigerated. I tell them if they choose to wash them, use immediately or refrigerated.
I have 5 girls. I collect every day and sometimes I leave them out on the counter for a day or two (I only leave them out due to me being lazy sometimes). When I'm ready I rinse them in warm water just to get the mud, poo and blood specks off, I then dry them with a paper towel and I write the date laid in pencil on the egg and then refrigerate.

I have no issue with eggs never seeing the inside of a fridge so long as they have never been washed or rinsed. I just personally prefer to fry/scramble eggs from cold but I bake with eggs at room temp. I fry and use eggs as a coating more than I bake. It's all a matter of personal choice. There does not seem to be a safety issue either way you go. I know some cooks will say that by leaving them unrefrigerated that qaulity is lost but I also know that some will say unrefrigerated eggs are better qaulity.

It's kind of like butter or margarine?
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Well USA is not the only country to keep eggs in the Fridge

We always have and really think nothing of it - Our girls might have rolled poop on it or have shavings on it etc but we just rub it of and stick it in the cold box!
I'm not the original poster, but, how long can the eggs be safely kept unwashed and unrefridgerated? Days? Weeks? And at what room temps? I know they say store bought eggs can sometimes be several weeks old or even months when you buy them, washed of course.YUCK
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Well dang, I'll be changing my practice immediately. I thought I read what I've been doing......went back and checked again. Hmmmmm.......got that wrong about the water temp. I was using cooler water not cold water. At any rate, will change starting today. Thanks for letting me know everyone.

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