Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

So, when using leaves as art of the bedding, do they need to be dry leaves? And then to maintain.... Just rake/turn them over daily? I have a gazillion oak trees around my place that I get leaves from.... Am totally for doing a compost.... But I don't have a her garden to use it in... :-( haven't been able to negotiate the yard space away from DH... Lol, so of I do a compost, is there anyone who would come take it when it was ready????

I do have about a 3x10 space I could use but know nothing about gardening.... And spend several days/month out of town....plus I would still end up with too much dirt I think..... Maybe we could trade compost for lessons, LOL.... I am happy to follow someone's requests with the compost if that helps.....

I live in Rochester....
Pm me :)
My runs are covered. If the leaves aren't dry to start with, they soon will be. I don't rake them. I let the chickens do that. Ocassionally if there is some weird leaf hill, I'll rake the top off.
Quote: No, it's not just sentiment. We should try to do the things that we can do, each of us, to protect our planet. None of us can do it all. But if EACH one of us can do a little, maybe just one or two things, it will all help in the long run.

Part of it is in education.The original poster perhaps didn't understand the impact that sphagnum harvesting has on the environment. All I'm saying is that if there is a choice, that we should consider choosing the less harmful one. Perhaps sometimes there is no right way, and it's a matter of the lesser of two evils.

"If you really think that way, may I ask, did you cloth diaper your children, do you use kitchen cloth instead of paper towels, do you use bathroom cloth instead of toilet paper, do you use a menstrual cup and/or cloth pads instead of countless feminine hygiene products? Are you ONLY eating animals who are raised naturally and humanely or do you stop at McDonald's every once in a while and promote eating chemicals?"

yes yes and yes, and far more than that. And no, no fast foods, can't remember the last time I had "junk" in my body.

And yes, I think we all need to stand up and speak about these issues. No, we shouldn't judge each other's chosen lifestyles, but we do need to be accountable, and we can only be accountable if we have knowledge. And if one of us has knowledge that another does not, then we should not be afraid to speak out.
It may be difficult to behave perfectly, but that is no excuse to not even try.
good morning, well almost noon. I did not know about peat moss. Although I never use it. My dad use to spread it in the yard but I'd break out in a rash for a week after he'd do that.
I really wish i had more leaves to put down. I'm going to have to start telling neighbors that have trees that I want their leaves. Weird as that sounds, Leaves work great for litter in a chicken run.
Other then that this summer i think i'll find some hay to spread.
I put leaves in my run, and the parts that are not covered or the areas that still get a little moisture are bad. Slippery nasty mess in my run. I am going to put sand out in the partially covered area. It's so gross and dirty right now. But I think if you had a pretty dry place leaves and grass clippings would work fine.
Quote: Using peat moss is like cutting down old growth forest. There are much better, renewable substitutes.
Like what. I would love to use something different.
Compost is one. Coco fiber is another. It's almost impossible to avoid peat moss all together. It's in most potting soils, but I don't buy it if I don't have to.
Depends - is that an offer?
I may just have to submit a request to be on the VF 2013 World Coop building tour again!
I am submiting my request! I need a external nest box on my existing coop.
It would only take like a few hours, right?

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