Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Thanks slept great looks like no fishing for sure wind is blowing not a bad thing for walleye but looks like it might rain. Glad we are not fishing in the walleye tournament this weekend we would have been at the launch at 5:00am makes me tired thinking about it. As soon as it warms up the fishing is going to be awesome out here on the lake. Off to butcher Cornish, well after another cup of coffee that is.
I can’t wait to see how they do. I got 3 more Cornish done today then it got to hot don’t like the flies hanging around when I’m butchering my little Rhode Island Red sweet pee likes the process though she grabs anything she can. Going to go plant squash, pumpkins, cucumbers now.
This little silkie/ameraucana cross has better foot feathering than I've seen on many hatchery silkies. And she's only got one copy of the gene!

I may breed her and her sister to one of my big silkie roosters. Work towards a silkie-ish blue egg layer.

Means I should keep their brother and use him over a couple big hens as well. Just a fun thing, nothing really serious

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