Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I'm going to the show in Monroe too! Come find my Barnevelders and you will find me! It will be my very first show so I'm super nervous already...


That's SUPER, I'm glad you decided to give it a try! Be sure to dress warmly, those barns can get very chilly. I always look for the Barnies so you'll see me around there for sure! I only know of 1 or 2 others that generally show Barnies. If Erhard does, be sure to get to know him. He's a great breeder and a super nice guy.

So please share with a newbie what happens and is 'shown' at this show in Monroe ????

At a poultry show like this one we'll be in one of the big livestock barns at the fairgrounds with tables running the length of the building. The chickens and ducks will be in individual cages (like any county fair) on those tables. Turkeys and geese are in larger pens on the floor. Adults, kids, and 4H each have a designated area, and breeds are grouped within that. The judges make their way through, handling each bird to look for condition and conformance to SOP. They select the winners and mark the tickets on each cage. At the end of the day they select the Best of Show birds and place them in a reserved area for all to see.

Along with that, there will be "Table Top" judging for those tiny Seramas. Plus there is always a raffle going on as a fund raiser. Around the edges you'll find vendors with eggs, chicks, supplies, crafts, and what not. It's a Happenin' Place with hundreds of birds and almost as many people. It's a great way to spend a day and it's free entertainment for the whole family! :)

Oh... absolutely no dogs are allowed in the building (for obvious reasons).

If you love chickens, you'll love going to a show! It's amazing to see SO many different breeds and varieties all in one place.
That's SUPER, I'm glad you decided to give it a try! Be sure to dress warmly, those barns can get very chilly. I always look for the Barnies so you'll see me around there for sure! I only know of 1 or 2 others that generally show Barnies. If Erhard does, be sure to get to know him. He's a great breeder and a super nice guy.

At a poultry show like this one we'll be in one of the big livestock barns at the fairgrounds with tables running the length of the building. The chickens and ducks will be in individual cages (like any county fair) on those tables. Turkeys and geese are in larger pens on the floor. Adults, kids, and 4H each have a designated area, and breeds are grouped within that. The judges make their way through, handling each bird to look for condition and conformance to SOP. They select the winners and mark the tickets on each cage. At the end of the day they select the Best of Show birds and place them in a reserved area for all to see.

Along with that, there will be "Table Top" judging for those tiny Seramas. Plus there is always a raffle going on as a fund raiser. Around the edges you'll find vendors with eggs, chicks, supplies, crafts, and what not. It's a Happenin' Place with hundreds of birds and almost as many people. It's a great way to spend a day and it's free entertainment for the whole family! :)

Oh... absolutely no dogs are allowed in the building (for obvious reasons).

If you love chickens, you'll love going to a show! It's amazing to see SO many different breeds and varieties all in one place.
So we can go and buy fertile eggs ? or chicks ? I am so excited !!!! I am going to make a point of going now.. March is chicken month !!! I have a class I'm taking on March 8. https://www.facebook.com/events/668277756556867/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming Then the Monroe Show... WHOOT ! I will be set when my babies come in late April. !!!! EXCITED THANK for answering my post.
I won't be able to make the show, am already committed to Harmony Sweepstakes. It's a wonderful event if you are in the Olympia area.
Hi CL,
I can't make the show, I have a class to teach me what to do if someone is trying to take over a bus. It should be really good.

Ok so now just saw there is a quilt show,
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I have been hatching all winter but I decided to take a break since it is Girl Scout cookie time. My daughter is a top seller and she wants to sell over 3,000 boxes again this year so we will be busy doing cookie sales until March 16th so she can earn cookie dough to pay for camp, including a horsepack trip this year, and a trip to Switzerland next summer. I trust my incubators to do the job without me peering in them daily but I do need to check chicks several times a day to make sure they are thriving.

I closed the Orpingtons and Easter Eggers in the coop longer to force them to take a break but the ducks are going crazy starting nests everywhere so I may end up with ducklings before cookie sales end. If the duck eggs fill up the incubators as fast as they did last year, I may have to get the chickens to hatch their own eggs or let the Silkies hatch them. I had already forced the Silkies into taking a break and now I am getting eggs so it looks like their break is over. I figure there is no point hatching chicks when the hatcheries and feed stores have an abundance for awhile. I will need to sell my winter chicks to make room for spring chicks since they had to stay inside longer due to the cold. They are outside in a tractor coop now so I just have to make sure they are acclimated before I sell them as coop ready.
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