Wasn't sure where to post..how do you keep from tracking chicken poop, etc. into your house?

The only thing I changed when i got chickens again last summer -- along with ducks and guineas -- is that anyone who visits and steps off the sidewalk takes their shoes off at the door. Our birds free range and it is all over the yard hence the need for our kids, grandkids and visitors who go past the kitchen to take their shoes off. I don't want poo all over the house!!

I have always had a rule at our house (and hubby abides by it) that outdoor shoes come off at the backdoor -- we live on a farm. We rarely wear shoes in the house -- and our carpets stay much cleaner. We do have a mud room that we leave everything in -- and during the summer we leave them outside the back door on the deck. I do like the idea of getting a rubbermaid container or something like that.
I use a boot tray combined with a door mat inside the back door. I've found that junk (dirt, bits of leaves, etc) gets in my shoes and without the extra mat stuff on my socks will still get tracked in the house.
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I got a pair of old winter boots I cut  down to make them just slip-ons. They live by the cellar door just slip them on,come back off they go in their spot.  Then if I have work boots on i have a hose just outside the door and rinse off the bottom.

That's a fantastic idea! I usually dont' need the tall boots and I am too cheap to pay $50-$60 for waterproof slipons lol.
We have boot scrapers mounted at every door. They're a must here.

I have a double boot scraper with brushes attached to the sides, just wide enough to fit your foot between. One scraper has a set of very heay bristled brushes, the other with fine bristles. You scrape the bottoms as you brush the sides. Between the two scrapers is a bucket of water with a long handled brush for the really bad days where you need to wash them clean. I got this design from the army post Fort Hood. They have them at the entries to most buildings.
We have a similar problem. The over-hang is not sufficient to keep my garden boots dry in the winter with all the heavy rain we get. I put flip-flops out there. It doesn't matter to me if they get wet and it's rarely cold enough here that wet shoes bother me. When it is cold enough to matter, it just take the extra step of taking off my garden boots in the garage instead of by the backdoor.
I bought a small plastic bin with a hinged lid (it is actually a dog food container) and keep it on my back porch. I leave my shoes in there. I use a pair of slip on gardening clogs. I wear them out in the yard for gardening and other things too. This way they don't get full of water when it rains and I don't have bugs in them. :)

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