Watch for string

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
I don't need help with this just thought I would put out a warning. I checked on my chicks and I thought I saw one panting. When I looked to see if it was to hot, I realized it had tried to swallow a string, and it was stuck on the back side of the tongue, if you ever see that back side, it looks like 2 pronged fork. I cut the string so it had slack, and then close to the face near the beak. The chick calmed down after, so I think the tiny bit of string left just got swallowed.
Keep an eye out for string, they can also get their toes caught on string, and or hair.
Yep. This has happened to me 2 times. First was a hen who eat it. The Second time was when I was watching someone's chickens and one of her chicks got its feet all tangled in string!
The string off feed bags is particularly bad.
I must admit that I was a bit lazy about tidying it after opening a bag, and then found one of my pullets with a string around her leg.
Luckly, not tight enough to do any damage, but still not nice.
Thanks for mentioning the tape. This is not about string or tape, but one hot summer, I had a big black tree bucket out in the garden. My favorite, (why does it always have to be a favorite?) NN flipped it over on her self trying to stand on the rim, and she got trapped under, and baked.:hit

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