Waterfall Cove - A Seahorse Role Play

(UHW ((UnderHisWings)) and I can't be on much longer...
Coral helped Caspian out of the passage. Then she went back to the princess. "what if it was a door. i mean how do you expect them to have gotten over there without even scathing the wall?" she asked
"Good point." Lily replied, looking around. She spotted a small hole, just big enough for her to fit through. She swam under it, and she found the other five seahorses. She had them link their tails to eachother, and then she pulled them out. "Everyone's safe now." Lily sighed, relieved. Lily swam up out of the passage, and laid in the coral, exhausted.
Coral followed. "Princess Lily," she said nervously "i was an orphan and ive done things for money that im not proud of. There has always been a dream of mine though. ive alway wanted to be the head guard, and after today i would really like to become a gaurd, and make up for the things ive done in the past.
"Thank you soooooooo much princess Lily, you wont regret this decision" Coral said excited
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