Watermelon :-) What treats do your chickens love?


7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
It is pretty warm here today-- nearly 90 and I thought the chickens might like some watermelon. Boy did they ever! Just thought these were too cute not to share!

Mike (GLW Roo), Stella (EE) and Ginger (RIR).

Penny(Partridge Rock) and Ginger (RIR).

*ETA question of what your birds like :)
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Too cute is right!!!
Can't wait to give my chicks watermelon. Is there a certain age I need to wait for? I think they're about 8 wks old or so.
My chicks are also 8 weeks old, and I have been giving them treat for a while. I just give them chick grit to be sure they can digest the treats more easily. Their favorites are:

1-- Blueberries-- hands down their favorite
2-- Peas- their second fav
3- Raspberries

They are not fans of carrots or broccoli. I give them frozen fruits and veggies as they are a way to cool down, it entertains them as they cannot gulp them down right away, and they are relatively inexpensive. I just always check the labels to be sure there is no sugar or salt added to the treats.

Good luck!
We give all our birds watermelon! I wish I had gotten pictures. We love blueberries, watermelon, and mashed potatoes!!!! They also love broccoli but not as much as the fruits and the taters haha!
my chickens also love watermelon

they love it so much that i get screamed at by the wife when i steal the watermelon from the fridge and feed it to the chicken

my missus loves watermelons too hehe
Mine like cracklin' cornbread:

Yes, they are cannibals.


Fresh clover

My hens will eat just about anything that does not outrun them. Including my recipe failures:

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Too cute is right!!! 
Can't wait to give my chicks watermelon. Is there a certain age I need to wait for? I think they're about 8 wks old or so.

anytime, its watermelon season and my day old chicks are already hooked on watermelon. my other chickens love cantaloupe, peaches, bean snaps, sqash, anytthing from the garden, bread, potatoe skins, egg shells...(hogs) pretty much anything
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