watery-looking blood from chicken wound


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 25, 2013
our hen is bleeding. It's a really thin, watery blood - kinda red tinged instead of bright red. Is that normal? I am trying to decide if the puncture mark needs pressure or to be sealed (like superglue). How red would a deep bleeder be? HELP!
where is the wound? if its not near the eyes, i usually just put neosporin on it. if your having trouble getting bleeding to stop corn starch normally works well too. flower will work in a pinch.
on the underbelly, just behind the legs. It's a slow bleed at this point (after pressure applied) and I have a gauze padded to it right now. I have polysporin (works as well as Neosporin?) but haven't applied it - I figure it's probably been bleeding for a while, will get all the bad stuff out that way. Will check it in a bit and apply polysporin or cornstarch. Cornstarch if it's bleeding badly, right?

Silly question, maybe, but I try not to have chicks bleed. Is their blood always watery looking, or is that indicative of the depth of wound? This is our first non-immediately fatal injury... a hawk got a juvenile a while back with it's talons but it died outright with dark red blood at the wounds.
thanks. Checking the wound again in a few minutes (been applying pressure) and will put some polysporin or cornstarch on it. Thanks for the helpful advice. Keeping her warm, isolated, with water & food - hopefully she'll be better in the morning!
without seeing pictures i cant give you "great advice" but i can tell you that ive seen chickens heal from some serious wounds. ive seen hens get tore open across their back by roosters and recover just fine. ive seen several hens have a chunk of scalp removed and 3 weeks later you wouldnt know.

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