Watery Poop

Sara K

6 Years
May 30, 2013
I am new to chickens. They have watery poop. I am giving my chickens yogurt, which they really like, but it has not stopped their diahrea. One of my hens has lost her chest feathers. I have bathed her, because she had poop all over herself and she does seem better. Do I need to worry about her. Thanks.
They are 5 months old. Incredibly active, clucking, happy. They are fed when they want food. Which is all of the time. They are fed crumbles. But I just bought feed for older chickens. The poop is all of the time. Thanks. SK
That's the problem. It hasn't been that hot. Only in the upper 80's.
Will do. Will that hurt her chest. She hardly has any feathers there.
Awww...so sorry to hear that. Sometimes it's tough to figure out these chicken illnesses... Do the others seem like they're doing okay?
I had three. One is in the garage with a lamp on her. She doesn't feel too good. The other chicken is just fine.

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