We did a thing.. expanding the flock!

Congrats on the newest member of your family!
I totally understand, my incubator was a gift from my mother, I had been using the odd broody prior to getting it. I was located near Toowoomba but now I'm south of Brisbane.
Thanks heaps! Yeah, I’m thinking of going DIY, but I did find a guy who’s willing to sell his 56 egg for $50, we’ll see about postage from Sydney.
Not too far off, we have family in Brissy and Byron so we’re actually near by every month or two lol what breeds do you have in your flock?
Roapalooza is right, wait till you babies get things figured out, then you'll see some fine eggs. I'm down to just one laying pair of leghorn hybrids and they are just coming into their own. I also have 6 Swedish flower hens that are about 7 weeks old and doing well. I envy you for having the moxie to move to another place like Australia, so remote, so different from America and our mettsican food and chicken McNuggets. Keep us informed with some pics of you blue eggs when they get here and good luck on your olive eggers...
Thanks, Ted! I’m just replying to everyone and so excited to show you her egg she gave us today! It’s going eGGzactly how you guys said and getting consistently darker.. It’s literally a dream, craziest part.. I flew to Fiji from Cali (camped and driven through 39 states with my grandpa growing up) never been on a boat before or in the ocean aside from surfing.. got on a 30ft boat with my best friend of 25 years, his friend and our captain a 25 yo Korean newbie sailor and their friend from Hawaii (originally Michigan) and we sailed from Fiji to Vanuatu and ended up together here! Our captain is back in Korea, my friend RJ and his gf are 13 hours away in Sydney and just road tripped up to surprise us for Christmas, and my best mate Eric is back in Santa Maria, California, where we grew up.. if I can encourage anyone to do anything.. it’s TAKE THAT CHANCE! But, MANNNNN!! The Mettsican fooooooood!!! Lolololo will definitely post as soon as the Araucanas lay! (I know they’re Ameraucana but in Aus poultry standards they accept rumpless and tails as Araucana...strange I know lol) until then.. here’s the third BCM egg..
She’s trying!!
Her first two were a little lighter with really dark speckles. Her third consecutive that she gave today was just darker than the other two with the dark speckling in EVERY pore.. so to me, I’m thinking, maybe she’s wanting to go darker and the colour is dispersing from the speckles to the entire egg.. OR lol, maybe I’m just reading in too far
Thanks heaps! Yeah, I’m thinking of going DIY, but I did find a guy who’s willing to sell his 56 egg for $50, we’ll see about postage from Sydney.
Not too far off, we have family in Brissy and Byron so we’re actually near by every month or two lol what breeds do you have in your flock?

Gee where to start. Layers i have Silkies, pekin, polish, Barnevelder, Minorca, Araucana, easter and olive eggers plus a bunch of other crosses both bantam and large fowl (to many to list without making a huge post lol). 2020 pure breeding birds I have are Australorp, Sussex, Rhode island red and once I get my eggs and raise them up cuckoo marans

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