We heard our first crow!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 11, 2008
Shawnee, OK.
We had 4 chicks born the first of July. All different types and we thought all hens. One of them started developing a bigger comb and its tail seemed to stick up a little more. But I told the kids we wouldn't know for sure untill we heard it crow. Guess what I heard this morning?!! It was more of a racket than a cockadoodledoo, but it was definately a crow!! Guess wer'e set, 3 hens and a rooster, and a male and a female Guinea. What luck out of an assortment of eggs
Its a wonderful sound isn't it! Mine is just now starting to try and crow. When it crowed this weekend (more like a horrible squeak) my daughter started laughing and stated "oh look his first words"
I love the sound a rooster makes, I just hope my neighbor does too.
Sure is cheap entertainment hearing a rooster crow for the first time & many more times afterwards until he gets it right! We have one roo in particular that will flap his wings everytime before he crows - guess he's trying w/ all he's got to muster up enough energy to crow. But when he does it sounds more like he's dying than crowing.
Mine do that sometimes too. After our roo that crows so funny/weird is done we often wonder if the other roos and hens are laughing at him as much as we are. They probably wish he'd
Congratulations! The first crow is just as exciting as the first egg!! At least it was for me. I still love to hear my roosters crowing. It just makes my heart smile.


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