We Quit Cigarettes

Today is day 11 of the medicine.
Day two of this feeling.
Day 4 of not smoking.

I'm thinking that if this feeling was from the medicine I would have felt it more.

Hmm yeah, I think you would have. I think it is just from the not eating or eating so little or whatever. Try eating a real meal with it next time.
I got the calm app.
Trial...I'm not about to pay for it.
I'm listening to a breathing thing now.

I do not like to throw up.
Please don't let me puke.
My mouth is watering bad.
I'm almost convinced it's because I am not doing stuff.
Because I'm laying down.
Think you should eat more before taking it

Agreed. When they say with food I think they mean a real meal. When I take my vitamins or excedrin I get really sick if it’s not with a full meal. Toast or a bit of yogurt or whatever does not cut it. It has to be a big, full, regular meal. So I imagine medicine that is even more true.

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