We think she was attacked now she has lost her balance.


In the Brooder
May 26, 2019
Concrete WA
We have a chicken unsure exactly of age. She is probably close to 2 or older. I shut the gate a little late one night and the next day I went to let the chickens out and there were many feathers on the ground. I still counted 13 chickens which is how many I have. I noticed one of them was missing a lot of her feathers. Almost all of her neck feathers along with her chest and one of her wings was entirely exposed. I placed a heat lamp in the coop for her to keep warm as the temperature was getting below freezing. She was still out running with the others all around the yard foraging for food. A couple days later I could not find her with the group. After looking all over she was in the coop I figured to stay warm. I was able to get her out of the coop with some worms and noticed she was very unbalanced. She would stagger to one side. Still eating and drinking not as much as the others but still does. She will come out of the coop only for a short time then will go back in. She has troubles standing in one spot. Could this just be a trauma injury or could it be something more? What are your thoughts? Also, Her feathers are now going back and I cant see her bare skin. I have tried to upload a video but it is not working.

Thank you for your thoughts and help. I don't want her to suffer.
Post your video to YouTube, copy the link, and paste the link here. It will embed and be ready for us to view right here on your thread.

Have you inspected every inch of your hen for injuries? A puncture wound under feathers isn't readily visible. Left to fester all this time, it's possible that it has infected your hen's entire body, including her nervous system.

First, do the exam. If you find a wound and you see it's infected, you will need to get her on a strong oral antibiotic ASAP.

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