Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

If I actually do this

Absolutely will,share photos of my silkie
With everyone here

And then get crucified when I
My only thought on this would be if the pink rubbed off on the bride's gown.
There was a pink silkie picture for Imp's avatar a while back. (someone may have already posted this, sorry, did not read through everything.)
Thank u so much for that..
This particular silkie..has absolutely no personality..nothing, just sits on you..never makes sounds..etc

So that's why so many people like her....she's like..more and more I look at her...and say over and over..anyone home in there

Have to always check her to make sure she is alive

Just so there..but not, if that makes any sense at all

Calm..oh so calm

This is why i never even thought about her freaking out

Okay, who are you and what are you doing with my Silkie?! Seriously, this is exactly how my favorite Silkie Spark Plug acts. I think you could hold a parade through the chicken coop and she'd just sit there and take it all in. I was surprised to see someone on here refer to silkies as "nervous" (or some such thing) because all my silkies are calm, and she's the mellowest of all.

my thoughts exactly!
One of my friends said that kool aid was hard to get out of hair so I would use something else unless you want your silkie pink until it fades out. I know its hard to get off your hands.
I think this is a fun thing for her wedding- and your friend is pretty cool. I dont know of anyone else that would want a chicken in their wedding! I know people have used dogs in their wedding...why not a chicken- and a Silkie to boot! Phenomenol.
If you have bathed her before, dying her feathers should be easy. Nontoxic food coloring- like dying an egg. Make sure she is dry.
But also, you need to get her some of those baby britches that have ruffles. i bet you could find some pink ruffly ones.

like this:

Enjoy and have fun! You can also designate someone in the front row to take the chicken from your arms if she gets restless during the ceremony. Her pink feathers will molt out back to white without problems.

Just dont let the bride throw the chicken instead of a bouquet.
Does she know about chicken diapers?? If not let that be our little secret. Tell her the silky will probably poop all over her gorgeous dress, or go bonkers and scratch up everything and have feathers everywhere. Besides I'm sure she'd eat the ring(shiny) if she gets the chance. If you do go ahead with it PLEASE DO take video it will be a huge hit on youtube.
I've used vegetable based dyes on myself for years, at first they will rub off - (I have old T-shirts and towels that I rub my head with until the dye stays....) I have used this dye on dogs and cats before - and it stayed for a while and can also look uneven.

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