Weird air cell

So at this point given the size of the air cell and stuff will my babies make it? Should I do something other than lock down at this point? I know NOT spray them, but humidity 75% ok or higher or lower?
75 % is ok- trying to get it higher- you would need to open the bator and add more water- which will effect what is currently in there. It can take a while for humidity to come back up once the bator is opened.. It will increase as they actually hatch. Your ducklings can still hatch, all is not lost. Just be a little patient as they wont be fully hatched for 24- 48 hours yet. Try not to worry too much. Learning by experience is the only way you can improve later hatches you may have. Each hatch can be different- thats why reading a book is only a guide- experience and knowing what to do in certain circumstances comes with time.
Nothing wrong with spraying them. It is done to get a nice large air sack, and yes it does draw out moisture. I start misting one day 4 and do it until lock down. Never had an issue. Most book even tell you to do that. Something else went wrong with your eggs. I assume the temperature was to high and they may have been already developing at the time you've put them into the machine. So they are more along then you thought. I use 75-85% humidity with 97 degrees. The temperature for lock down has been changed over the years, because I have older books stating different temps then was is being used now. I've read and was told 95 is fine. Just learned that hatcheries look for 97-98. Others use the same as for incubation. So take your pick. The point is they will generate their own heat once they pick along. So I think 97-98 seems to be the new figure and they are probably right from all the studies they have done.
IF i need to get the incubator higher humidity than 75% I can - I'm using a home made bator and have it set up so I can add water through a straw in a vent hole so it won't need to be opened. So just tell me what it should be or if 75 will be ok....
Awesome, then I am ok... Right now I am lockdown at 97 and 75%.......When my daughter was holding the straw while I was putting in water, she thought she saw one of the eggs move but when I looked up I didn't see it, so time will tell
I have a couple empty containers on the bottom as well so I can add water to those if need be.... I will try to get it to 85 then
Did you create small air holes in your incubator for air circulation when you build it? A lack of air does increase carbon dioxide in the incubator, which makes the eggs develop faster. Look like a combination of things happened to make them grow faster. Lets see how the hatch goes.
Yes, I did put in a couple air holes in. Originally I had them real small but I did make them bigger. Maybe they still weren't big enough? Maybe a little bigger than a pencil eraser.
yeah, I learned my lesson about jumping threads last week. As I did with mine, I'd put DaveKrista Ducklings Thread. JMO, then all questions, updates, ect can all be in one and when someone posts it'll jump to the top for the next poster to see/answer. Good luck, ending day 16 and so far 2-3 out of my 8 eggs have started rocking tonight. So we shall see, good luck!! I know that with my odd shaped airsacs with my batch last weekend I ended up having ducklings die during internal/external pip, doesn't mean yours will but that is what has happened to me. I'm just very cautious with how the airsacs look now. Wish you the very, very best and a successful hatching! If you can, video tape it, it is the best experience to witness.

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