Weird Genes. Haha. I'm such a blonde.


10 Years
Mar 8, 2009
Southern Illinois
Alright so some of you might have seen my post a long time back about my huge, white, down covered rooster from my Light Brahma/Polish Cross.

Everyone showed a big interest, and I just love him. So I tried to repeat him. I've bred his parents quite a few times. And guess what.

Every chick turns out BLACK?
From a Whitest Crested Polish and a Light Brahma.

I've bred this Polish many times and every single time the chicks were completely white.... Now all the sudden every chick of his is black.

What in the heck is happening?

Here is a picture of my white chick.


And here is his full siblings. Black...


I am so bummed that I am not able to get a matching hen for my beautiful rooster...

I will try to go get a picture of the rooster so everyone can see what he looks like now.
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WAIT a minute....

I was playing around with the genetics calculator. And I think I made a terrible mistake. I think my 'rooster' is actually a hen. I've been deciding back and forth for quite a while...

And I think she is the result of a sex link gene. She is a Buff Orp/Light Brahma Cross. lol

I'm not sure how in the world she turned out so white. Probably the buff gene cleared up some of the Brahma colors. But the would explain why she is so huge, with white legs, and why her feathers are more poofy than the normal bird's.

If this is the case. Then YAY! I have 5 little babies just like her. Sadly the gene is sex linked and all the roosters will be buff. But perhaps I can breed that out.

Whoa. This is weird. lol. I can't believe I didn't see it before. I think maybe just her being so white like my Polish's other chicks made me automaticly assume she was from him.

This is MY cross of a Light Brahma x Buff Orpington (the female was a Buff Orpington white legs and all, the male was a Light Brahma). Now tell me how she got yellow legs!
Hi! I just wanted to post a big "THANK YOU!" because you've helped me identify my chickens that were sent to me through the mail. We ordered Buff Orpingtons, but instead got white ones with that same dark tail and the brahma markings around their necks! See the photo. It's so cool that you breed chickens!
Hi! I just wanted to post a big "THANK YOU!" because you've helped me identify my chickens that were sent to me through the mail. We ordered Buff Orpingtons, but instead got white ones with that same dark tail and the brahma markings around their necks! See the photo. It's so cool that you breed chickens!

They sent you a Delaware there.

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