Weird head and comb


7 Years
Mar 30, 2017
We bought two chicks in March that, I believe, are Giant Austrolorps. They are growing rapidly and seem healthy but there is one that has a very small blackish comb and her head has white patches on it. The other one has a good red comb and her whole head is black. I'm curious if one is sick or just strange. Pic on the left is the strange one. Right pic is the 'normal' one. Thanks in advance for any info all you chicken lovers can supply.
Chicken lover in Colorado Black chick.jpg Black chick 2.jpg
There's top one could be the australorp (they don't come in giant) or could be a mix with a melanistic breed. where did you get them? the second one is a mix. How old are they?
There's top one could be the australorp (they don't come in giant) or could be a mix with a melanistic breed. where did you get them? the second one is a mix. How old are they?
Yes, once I posted they went from left and right to top and bottom. Anyway, my mistake is not memorizing what they were called at the farm store we got them from. Murdoch's is the store. I just remember they were called Giant somethings and upon some research it looked like Australorps. We got them at the beginning of March.
Giant somethings and upon some research it looked like Australorps.
Giant is usually Cochin, or at least that's the only.. oh wait, there are also Jersey Giants.

All though Cochin do have straight comb, they dawn heavily feathered legs and feet.

Birds get mixed up at hatchery and mislabeled at stores EVERY year.

What color is the skin on bottom of the feet and ear lobes?

No illness is indicated by these differences!

Finding out which hatchery they ordered from can sometimes help narrow down the possibilities.

Hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

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