Welcome Ye Who Dare To Cluck.....

Have You Told A Funny Story Yet? IF NOT, YOU CAN'T LEAVE THIS THREAD. No trying to sneak off.

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My funniest story: Once upon a time there was an angry Human named @OneHappyRooster that thought orps were better than Cochins. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard :lau
~The End~
That's hilarious! I hope that's a fictional story, no WAY anyone could actually think Orps are better than Cochins. :gig

I'm Dead. :lau

Crying from laughing so hard. Orps BETTER than cochins?! That's HILARIOUS!
I don't really have many funny stories off the top of my head, I guess the only one I can think of is, I had a chick (~8 [I think] weeks old but struggled so looked only days old)

I was putting her out in the run to hopefully try and get reintegrated with the flock, she was heavily bullied so was scared of all other chickens, anyways she was hiding in a corner behind the water bowl. She came out through the brick tunnel thingy that the water bucket was sitting on and was just standing there, and a cockerel I had at the time went over and started doing the rooster shuffle to this teeny tiny chick, she paused her screaming and freaking out and just stared at him in the eyes like he was crazy, she gave him the funniest "crazy guy' look then continued screaming and panicking. I will never forget her little face.
I don't really have many funny stories off the top of my head, I guess the only one I can think of is, I had a chick (~8 [I think] weeks old but struggled so looked only days old)

I was putting her out in the run to hopefully try and get reintegrated with the flock, she was heavily bullied so was scared of all other chickens, anyways she was hiding in a corner behind the water bowl. She came out through the brick tunnel thingy that the water bucket was sitting on and was just standing there, and a cockerel I had at the time went over and started doing the rooster shuffle to this teeny tiny chick, she paused her screaming and freaking out and just stared at him in the eyes like he was crazy, she gave him the funniest "crazy guy' look then continued screaming and panicking. I will never forget her little face.
thats hilarious :lau

waitnofairachickencantellifanotherchickenisaboyoragirlbutahumancant? hmph

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