Well, I'm hooked....

gryeyes, I love all your exceptions to the rule! Mine are five days old and I can't believe I love a chicken so much! The snippiest little wyandotte just decided that if my hand was in the coop, she needed to be IN it and even better if my free hand is stroking her. I can't believe how fast they're changing there personalities as well as their size, colors and feathers!
We *may* be claimed by more chicken math later, but I doubt it. But maybe we already were.....we were just going to get one (I know, how funny is THAT? And sad for the hen!) but then that turned into two but MPC's limit is three and, well, I thought four was a nice round number.

They are already growing a ton and EATING a ton! I am excited to let them hop around on the grass in a week or so. They have fallen asleep in our hands before and that is just too cute.
Cute chicks, and love the Star Wars-themed names! My son, also a Star Wars fan, named his chick Princess Leia N'Egg.
That kid cracks me up. Glad to know there are other Jedi chicks out there! Enjoy you babies and your new addiction.
Oh they are such evil little critters! They come with a mind control devise ya no and unless you wear protective head wear they brain wash you into total submission.
First it starts out with just a few and then before you no it POW!! There are many many more.
And they use there chicken brain crontrol device to get us into doing things for them that you could never imagine.
Just wait and see. Soon you will no what I mean!
Lol !!!!!
Enjoy the little evil monsters!! They are darling!!
How cute! My'n are the sam age and this is my first time to! I just love them! All though my'n are VERY hyper right now...they changed over night. Are yours like that....one day they are calm little quiet angels the next they are little roadrunners raising around there brooder! But I love them and never thought they'd be soooo fun...and addictive!

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