Welsh Harlequin

Thanks you guys!

The one in front was advertised as a Rouen, and from Irisdescent's link (THANK YOU - that was really helpful!) it definitely looks like a female.

AND I just read on another thread that the gold WH's don't have sex-linked bill color - is that true?  That would explain it!  So she (please be a she please be a she) could be a she.

Do you have any sense of how old either of them is?

They are both so sweet and playful, I'm in love!

I haven't heard that, so I don't know if it is or isn't true.

I don't think those ducks are eleven weeks old. I think five months is more accurate, but I couldn't give an exact age. You'll need someone with lots more experience than me to give you an exact age.

As for gender, the possible WH is a female. Males have green heads by the age she looks - or at least heads that are turning green. If she is a WH, she certainly wasn't bred to the standard, as females should have black bills. But Metzer's WH hens often have yellow bills. It just means you can't show her.

The harlequin pattern appears in a lot of different breeds/mixed breeds, so someone with more breed knowledge should help you out as far as breeds go.
I haven't heard that, so I don't know if it is or isn't true.

I don't think those ducks are eleven weeks old. I think five months is more accurate, but I couldn't give an exact age. You'll need someone with lots more experience than me to give you an exact age.

As for gender, the possible WH is a female. Males have green heads by the age she looks - or at least heads that are turning green. If she is a WH, she certainly wasn't bred to the standard, as females should have black bills. But Metzer's WH hens often have yellow bills. It just means you can't show her.

The harlequin pattern appears in a lot of different breeds/mixed breeds, so someone with more breed knowledge should help you out as far as breeds go.

Thank you! That's all I needed to know. I'll never show them - I just got them for eggs and slug control and to enjoy their company :) It sounds like everything the seller told me in person was correct, and she just got the hatch date wrong.

My 5 year old is at her dad's house today, and I wanted to make sure these were keepers before she gets home in the morning and falls in love with them too!
The duck in the back is definitely a gold phase Welsh Harlequin. Of all my Welshies I have only one gold phase female, and she's the only one who's feet stayed more orange and who's bill didn't turn completely dark. All the silver phase ducks have the dark feet and bills. She looks about 5 months old - she was NOT born in February or she wouldn't be feathered out like that. So, she's a girl for sure.
Here is my new baby! Picked them up from the post office this morning! Order them Holderread gold and sliver WH. One extra is a appleyard!



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