What’s up with the pecking?!?

Aug 30, 2020
I have 14 chickens, and they live a pretty good life I’ll tell you. For some reason everytime I go into the coop and knell down to fill food or just try to say hi, they’ll constantly peck at me.

just an FYI-this doesn’t bother me at all since I know they can’t hurt me.

but what does concern me, is if they’re trying to tell me something.

another side note my 8 older chickens never did this. My 6 younger ones started doing it and the rest have seemed to followed them.
Chickens like to peck at shiny things and bits of dirt, do you wear anything glittery or have dirt on your shoes that might look tasty to a chicken? Pecking isn't a bad thing unless they are drawing blood from you, themselves, or other chickens. Did you say they were knelling down to eat? (I think you meant kneel not knell. Kneeling is like what you do when you are praying, I think Knelling has something to do with funerals and bells :idunno.) I have had chickens that kneel down while eating, so it is not uncommon. As for why they do it, I have no idea.
I have 14 chickens, and they live a pretty good life I’ll tell you. For some reason everytime I go into the coop and knell down to fill food or just try to say hi, they’ll constantly peck at me.

just an FYI-this doesn’t bother me at all since I know they can’t hurt me.

but what does concern me, is if they’re trying to tell me something.

another side note my 8 older chickens never did this. My 6 younger ones started doing it and the rest have seemed to followed them.
One of mine jumps on my shoulders and pecks my head when she wants to be held. That's The only thing I can figure out because as soon as I take her on my lap, she snuggles and doesn't peck any more! I believe pecking is is their language! When I treat my 6 ladies to raisins, they sit around me in a circle while I crouch down and give one raisin by turn to each chicken- they peck me to remind me it's their turn! I do this so one chicken doesn't grab them all. They don't peck hard enough to hurt-just a reminder they are waiting! So I do believe your chickens are communicating with you, sometimes it just takes awhile to figure out out.

Maybe when we kneel down they feel we are on their level and they can talk??!!
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Yes sorry!!! When I kneel down. Not them kneeling down.

I kinda figured it wasn’t anything with harm intended. I usually never give them treats so I doubt that’s the reason they’re doing it.

I usually wear crocs and my jacket that has exposed buttons and they love to peck at them as well. Maybe they’re just excited to see me. Idk.
They never draw blood. Never hurt me enough to worry. All of my chickens get along great
Yes sorry!!! When I kneel down. Not them kneeling down.

I kinda figured it wasn’t anything with harm intended. I usually never give them treats so I doubt that’s the reason they’re doing it.

I usually wear crocs and my jacket that has exposed buttons and they love to peck at them as well. Maybe they’re just excited to see me. Idk.
They never draw blood. Never hurt me enough to worry. All of my chickens get along great
Ooohhh... Sorry about me misunderstanding you. My bad. Sometimes chickens just do really random things :confused:.
Sounds like they're trying to get your attention (like "Hey, food human, hey, food human"), like maybe one bird started it and the rest picked it up from her. I only have 1 bird that pecks us and she does it to get attention, whether she's just wants to be picked up, or is mad that we're ignoring her request. She only stops pecking when she's molting and doesn't want to be touched by anything.

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