What’s wrong with my duck?

Quacking ducks

Premium Feather Member
5 Years
May 31, 2019
I have a 5 year old pekin duck. This morning I picked her up and her belly looked really greenish/blue or even kind of a turquoise color. She does have some issues with her belly… it hangs down and drags on the ground. Any idea what’s wrong with her? Thank you
Her feathers are missing there. It’s her skin that is green
Is the bay wet at all ?
Just wondering if she is burning her feathers off with wet bedding
You said she drags her belly on the ground as well ?
I would bath her up then try to keep the area clean and dry
I’m really hoping others will be able to provide more advice on what you can spray on to keep it from infection
Is this after her bath? I'd like to see it clean if it isn't. Let her soak in some warm Epsom salt water . What I have done when I had to soak more than a foot is I used a plastic dish pan filled it with warm Epsom salt water and placed the duck in to soak I put a towel over the top of her body with just the head sticking out that way they can't drink the water which is a laxative too.
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