What Am I?


10 Years
Jan 8, 2010
I received 21 chicks in June. I was meant to receive 20. I rec'd 5 Light Brahmas, 5 Silver Laced Wyandottes and 10 Ameraucans. What is our Princesses breed?

She has bearded cheeks and is gorgeous.




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Its an Easter Egger,most people have EEs and believe them to be Ameraucana cause the hatchery said it was.even if the got chicks or eggs from back yard breeders the are most likely EEs.An Easter Egger is any chicken that possesses the "blue egg" gene, but doesn't fully meet any breed description as defined in the American Poultry Association (APA)

Gives a general idea of what the different APA/ABA varieties of Ameraucana look like.
She is a EE.This is my whitie that I found dead one mornig for no apparent reason,I felt so bad she just feel off the roost while sleeping and her eyes were still closed,I`m thinking heart att
She's very pretty. I just got 2 EE pullets this weekend, and I really love them! One is blue, and the other is brown-red (I think). Have fun with yours!
So, even if my chicken is truly descended from Ameraucanas, breeds true 50% of the time or better, she is considered lesser than an Ameraucans because someone, somewhere decided that only certain colors will be recognized? What if my chicks come from a cross or multiple matings of 2 or more true Ameraucanas? So what if the color that they produce isn't recognized. Isn't it Ameraucana + Ameraucana = Ameraucana. It's not like Ameraucana + Name your breed = Mixed. From the history I understand that the Ameraucanas aren't pure, anyway?

We breed alpacas. When a pure suri is bred to a pure suri, they produce pure suri. If the cria is not show quality that doesn't make it any less suri.

Wow, the ABA history sounds like a bad soap opera! So much contention. How sad.
The ABA has a list of approved colors, but the breeders listed sell, splash, lavender, mottled etc. Why aren't those birds considered EE's?

Here's 2 more pics of my Amerikana's w/my oldest DD...


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