What antibiotic for Salpingitis?

So I gave my hen Baytril for two weeks as prescribed by the vet. She's been acting great, but this morning I found a very large lash egg. Does this mean she's doomed? If yes, how long does she have to live? Like I said she's been great. What should I expect in the weeks/months to come?
So I gave my hen Baytril for two weeks as prescribed by the vet. She's been acting great, but this morning I found a very large lash egg. Does this mean she's doomed? If yes, how long does she have to live? Like I said she's been great. What should I expect in the weeks/months to come?
Is she still on antibiotics? Either way, may I suggest that you call your vet?
Is she still on antibiotics? Either way, may I suggest that you call your vet?
Unfortunately, my vet doesn't know much about hen health. She had never heard of or seen a lash egg before. I'm the one that insisted on the antibiotic when she said to wait before giving her any.
Unfortunately, my vet doesn't know much about hen health. She had never heard of or seen a lash egg before. I'm the one that insisted on the antibiotic when she said to wait before giving her any.
Maybe call them and ask about continuing the Baytril and adding some meloxicam.
What was your dosage? I'm having the same problem on my thread. And now shes breathing funny. Everyone else is breathing okay
Baytril dose? The most common Baytril dose seems to be 10 mg/kg twice a day.
Wyorp said to ask you first if she should have it. She had the 10 days of amoxicillin and then had lincomycin last week. I dont feel anything in her abdomen. Her breathing is in my thread.

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