What are these things?!?

They are lovely and I would also go with them being Game. Definitely try to round them up! I'm sure they'd be grateful in the long run that you did.
Heres a thought. I fly thief pouters, a breed of pigeons where males are seperated from hens then flown in order to seduce a hen home (short version). WHat if you did the same with a rooster? Would they follow him back to his roost or would he join them? hmmm
Actually, they showed up at my grandfather's 'farm'. It's not actually a working farm, just what we call it.

Maybe I'm just too much of a city girl, but you couldn't pay me enough to go after their eggs. Rumor's of these little thing's aggression are completely true.

And, unfortunately, they live in the country and my family live in the city. It would be hard to keep take care of them from that distance and impossible to bring them back to our apartments. The dog would have a fit.

Still a blessing to go see them.

I think I'll stick to taking pictures.
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