What are we???, 4 weeks now, compare photos...UPDATE PG4

My Barred Rocks are fun and great layers! EEs because they are spunky and lay green eggs. Delawares because they are great layers, docile and lay in the winter.

I haven't had an orpington, but apparently I need to get one based on this thread!!

I had to edit my have to a haven't....oops! :)
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My first chickens were about thirty years ago and I lived in Carson City. The Barred Rocks did great, I also had a couple of Leghorns. Those were about the only chickens I knew to exist at the time.

The next attempt at chickens was 5 years ago and they came from Privitt as well. The Barred Rocks were great and I had some hatchery RIRs and they were exceptional layers. The birds will appreciate a spritz occasionally in the dry summer and plenty of shade, otherwise they will do fine. All of the breeds mentioned are good get a nice assortment and you will have a beautiful yard.

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