what are we?


5 Years
Apr 11, 2014
san diego
This is our first time owning chickens I had been mean in to get some chicks for over a month so when I passed a feed store I figured I would stop in and see if yhey had anything available. And they did but now I dont know what breed they are. I was informed that they are female.



I have 4 chicks the last two photos the chicks look a little different but the first photo I have two that look like this red little one any help is greatly welcomed and appreciated
...However Red Stars/Red Sexlinks/Gold Stars/Gold Comets....whatever flavor they want to name them...are sex linked...the females are one color and the males another.

Your chicks look like typical Red Sexlink girls...but there are a few other chickens that have that color of chick which are not sex linked...the Buff Orpington not typically with that much red in the down.

Lady of McCamley
i guess we will have to wait and see lol i really hope i dont get a roo...i cant have them where i live and i also remember my moms crows all day and night lol
the lady at the store said that 2 were sex linked and two were not but that they all were female. thank you btw =)
The two non-sexlinked are your 2 Rhode Island Reds...Production Reds...the top photo.

Then the 2 below are Red Stars....whatever the name they put on the sign....they go by different names from different hatcheries...but a rose is a rose is a red sexlink. Those will definitely be girls.

The RIR's will very highly likely be girls as they will have been professionally vent sexed at the hatchery with a 90% success rate...meaning a possible 10% chance of getting a rooster.

You will know soon with the Production Reds/RIR's as the roosters get big combs that turn pink...usually with signs by 4 weeks of age, definitely by 6 weeks of age.

Enjoy your new chicks.
Lady of McCamley
yay okay great thank you! we just moved and finally have space and i finally got permission from dh lol to have chickens what is a good amount for a flock? is 4 fine or should i have more/ also should i get all the chicks at the same time or will the get along as i add?

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