what are y'all saving from the wild to deal with coming crisis?

Last year there was drought the entire summer in my country, followed by a month of constant rain in the harvesting period. The result was a serious lack of grains to feed animals. Especially cow- and sheep farmers were affected, as they're big animals. They even had difficulty filling up the silo's with grass, and were resorted to slaughtering their livestock or feeding them substandard feed such as straw through the winter.

There's certainly a good idea to look to other feed sources than pre-fabriced chicken feed. Whole grains can be stored longer than crushed. I've stored for a couple of years without issues. I pick berries in autumn and store in the freezer, I'm given fallen apples from someone with apple trees, and grow a little bit of kale. More of a treat than a substantial food source, though...
Interesting discussion. The main reason I wanted to spend my retirement in a more rural area was to have enough land to raise as much of my own food as possible. And to be close to farms. I only have a little over a half acre but my vegetable garden produced a good amount of food last year and I'm hoping to do as well this year. I have my chickens and have planted a few fruit trees. Last year I canned a lot of my own produce. I too am concerned about the current political and meteorological trends we are now facing. My philosophy is that to be prepared for whatever comes and from wherever, you need to know how to sustain yourself and family if there were no stores to run to for necessities. Learning as many basic skills such as canning food, baking bread, sewing and knitting. It's good to think and plan ahead for the "what ifs" but don't get caught up in the frenzy of fear.

So true. I got into chickens again back in 2008 after my GF started freaking out because she was listening to Glen Beck too much. Didn't do any good to point out that he was selling ads for gold and emergency food storage so it benefited his pocket book to rant and rave on the coming collapse of society because we elected a president that wasn't white. The word is a scary place, someone mentioned the risk of an EMP in a few posts earlier, that is credible and likely. After putting back about a year's worth of food that we would use anyway the GF settled down a bit so it was a good investment. Plenty of stuff that you use in your everyday cooking that lasts for a decade or more and a few dozen five gallon buckets and a freezer full of stuff really comes in handy when business slows down.
It would be crushing to grow a crop all summer and then have it stolen right before harvest.
Sunflower fodder, or microgreens, can be grown in 7 days.
They are loaded with nutrients and protein for both birds and humans.


A delicious and stealthy food source is Purslane.
Almost everyone things it is just a decorative plant.
You can just break off branches and munch them, or put it into recipes.
I find it to be delicious just raw. Cuttings root easily.
Highly nutritious.
It's the Portaluca family but I tasted some labeled Portaluca and it was bitter and terrible. Look for stuff labeled Purslane and taste it before buying.


A food thief would likely walk right past those hanging baskets, not realizing what a valuable food source they are.
I am sorry this thread has moved away from prepping and preparing for what may come.
was an avid reader of the Fox fire books for those who may be interested... Convinced when I was in highschool that Atomic war was a real possiblity.

Exactly, thank you!!!

Can we start talking about chickens again, guys?
This has been a really good thread, very thought provoking except for the posts that devolved into political and philosophical bickering. Think about one important thing we will all need in the event of any disaster, we need to be able to get along and cooperate to survive whatever comes our way. Those angry posters would likely not survive very long. The Op posed a great question, let’s embrace this opportunity and come together with viable solutions to deal with a disaster regardless of who or what caused it. Politics don’t mean squat when you’re trying to save your own butt!
So true. I got into chickens again back in 2008 after my GF started freaking out because she was listening to Glen Beck too much. Didn't do any good to point out that he was selling ads for gold and emergency food storage so it benefited his pocket book to rant and rave on the coming collapse of society because we elected a president that wasn't white. The word is a scary place, someone mentioned the risk of an EMP in a few posts earlier, that is credible and likely. After putting back about a year's worth of food that we would use anyway the GF settled down a bit so it was a good investment. Plenty of stuff that you use in your everyday cooking that lasts for a decade or more and a few dozen five gallon buckets and a freezer full of stuff really comes in handy when business slows down.

Finding alternatives to the heavily processed foods is a good thing as well. Regular AP flour keeps for 2 years in the frig, oatmeal / rolled oats keep for 25 years. Knowing how to store and use basic ingredients is necessary to manage through tough times. Having skills that you can use to barter for something you need is a good idea as well.
My land is in the High desert. Beautiful country and plentiful if you know what to look for...

I just read through the whole thread.... very interesting discussion on all points. I am not a "scientist" But I am a Futurist... good or bad.

Climate Change I agree.... global warming I am on the fence.

Biggest oxygen producer is Algae and the ocean has an abundance. The ocean is in danger from all fronts. All forests should be protected in some manner.... Look at the Myans... Huge civilizations But they cleared their forests.... And the land died because there were no trees to help create Rain.

Politics... Sorry I just glaze over and move on... a subject I have little experience with.

Everyone should carry or keep a larder stocking enough food as backup for any disaster... By disaster I mean, Loss of employment, fire, flood, Earthquake, EMP... know how to preserve and or gather foods from the wild. Protein comes from many sources and not necessarily from animals. Though our Jack rabbits are about the size of a medium dog.... Very lean and best stewed. Rattle snakes provide enough meat for two or three people.

My well is 450 feet deep and considered a low producer.... Our water table has dropped 100 feet in the past ten years. Drought is something tangible and insidious.
I do not water my plants.... I don't have a lawn or nice landscaping... My annual rain fall is about nine to twelve inches.

Yet there is enough forage on the land to feed chickens. Filaree can feed both humans and livestock. Insects are abundant. I do Feed year round Alfalfa, Bermuda, and various feeds for the chickens.

My land is covered in medicinals which should be protected and therefore I dont plant even native species.... I would love to plant in my own sphere my little three acres within my nineteen acres. Fruit trees... Cold hearty because in the winter it gets cold in the desert. lemon, mandarin oranges, Lime, as well as Apples and Pomegranate...

Yep they will require water but I have plans for Grey water use.... Along with Aquaponics .... Raise a few fish, circulate the water through hydroponics beds and trickle it on to add to the grey water.

Well pump.... There are pumps that can run off solar.... Even just a few hours a day off a whole house battery.... Pump the water up to a holding tank and feed it continuously at a trickle rate. I have a three thousand gallon reservoir.

I am a single woman sixty four years old. I have health issues and mobility issues I plan for ease of construction and maintenance. My vegetables and fish will all be grown within my Greenhouse room.

Really.... Survival is for the young... Yet many of us old timers have so much practical knowledge it will make us valuable. I know how to train a horse for work. and make my own harness ....

I can weld in a pinch if need be ....


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