what are y'all saving from the wild to deal with coming crisis?

We've been having a bit of a prep discussion at home. DH is of the mind that if everything goes south, what's the point? He figures if he has enough beer, he'll last long enough to say goodbye to it all!

But he is a very prepared person by nature, so I ignore most of that. My concern is electricity, because of (1) our well pump and . . . well, everything else is secondary to that. We do have access to a spring, up the hill. Can you add a hand pump to an existing well? We will have a wood stove this fall and have enough land for wood. We have a gun but would have to get ammo, and probably another gun that's not a sniper rifle! DH is a good shot and would hunt if he had to, but we wonder how long the deer and turkeys, which are plentiful, would last.

What I don't feel ready for is feed for chickens over the winter, food (that's not meat or eggs) for us over the winter, and staying safe. DH's family has a big place where all would gather in the event of a disaster, about 4 miles from us. There is no garden there, but the water is a gravity-fed spring, and there are woodstoves. There is huge pasture and several Guys with Guns. But although it's on a dirt road, it's very much out in the open, no hidden space whatsoever, whereas our place is on a short dead-end road.

He will have to figure out how to brew! That's a project I can get him interested in.
We've been having a bit of a prep discussion at home. DH is of the mind that if everything goes south, what's the point? He figures if he has enough beer, he'll last long enough to say goodbye to it all!

But he is a very prepared person by nature, so I ignore most of that. My concern is electricity, because of (1) our well pump and . . . well, everything else is secondary to that. We do have access to a spring, up the hill. Can you add a hand pump to an existing well? We will have a wood stove this fall and have enough land for wood. We have a gun but would have to get ammo, and probably another gun that's not a sniper rifle! DH is a good shot and would hunt if he had to, but we wonder how long the deer and turkeys, which are plentiful, would last.

What I don't feel ready for is feed for chickens over the winter, food (that's not meat or eggs) for us over the winter, and staying safe. DH's family has a big place where all would gather in the event of a disaster, about 4 miles from us. There is no garden there, but the water is a gravity-fed spring, and there are woodstoves. There is huge pasture and several Guys with Guns. But although it's on a dirt road, it's very much out in the open, no hidden space whatsoever, whereas our place is on a short dead-end road.

He will have to figure out how to brew! That's a project I can get him interested in.
We've been having a bit of a prep discussion at home. DH is of the mind that if everything goes south, what's the point? He figures if he has enough beer, he'll last long enough to say goodbye to it all!

But he is a very prepared person by nature, so I ignore most of that. My concern is electricity, because of (1) our well pump and . . . well, everything else is secondary to that. We do have access to a spring, up the hill. Can you add a hand pump to an existing well? We will have a wood stove this fall and have enough land for wood. We have a gun but would have to get ammo, and probably another gun that's not a sniper rifle! DH is a good shot and would hunt if he had to, but we wonder how long the deer and turkeys, which are plentiful, would last.

What I don't feel ready for is feed for chickens over the winter, food (that's not meat or eggs) for us over the winter, and staying safe. DH's family has a big place where all would gather in the event of a disaster, about 4 miles from us. There is no garden there, but the water is a gravity-fed spring, and there are woodstoves. There is huge pasture and several Guys with Guns. But although it's on a dirt road, it's very much out in the open, no hidden space whatsoever, whereas our place is on a short dead-end road.

He will have to figure out how to brew! That's a project I can get him interested in.
There is no physical evidence of God either but yet the whole wold, minus a few atheists and agnostics (though they are searching) believe

All cultures create myths to explain life's mysteries.
We can see the flaws in all of them, except our own.
Man abhors a mystery.
That is no excuse for inventing religions.
Every Christian here would be a Muslim if they were born in Pakistan.
Proof of how this is all indoctrination and has zero basis in truth.
Google was just busted completely manipulating algorithms thanks to an employee's undercover video. This is after Google founders blatantly lied about this to Congress.
But not a peep about this bombshell on ANY mainstream media, FoxNews included.

Both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have been calling for Google to be broken up but guess who is the number one donor to both of them. Yup, Google.
To quote George Carlin; "It's a big club. And you ain't in it."

Oh no, it's ok, really, I'm sure it's fine :rolleyes:

I can't stand google. Thanks for sharing this!
We've been having a bit of a prep discussion at home. DH is of the mind that if everything goes south, what's the point? He figures if he has enough beer, he'll last long enough to say goodbye to it all!

But he is a very prepared person by nature, so I ignore most of that. My concern is electricity, because of (1) our well pump and . . . well, everything else is secondary to that. We do have access to a spring, up the hill. Can you add a hand pump to an existing well? We will have a wood stove this fall and have enough land for wood. We have a gun but would have to get ammo, and probably another gun that's not a sniper rifle! DH is a good shot and would hunt if he had to, but we wonder how long the deer and turkeys, which are plentiful, would last.

What I don't feel ready for is feed for chickens over the winter, food (that's not meat or eggs) for us over the winter, and staying safe. DH's family has a big place where all would gather in the event of a disaster, about 4 miles from us. There is no garden there, but the water is a gravity-fed spring, and there are woodstoves. There is huge pasture and several Guys with Guns. But although it's on a dirt road, it's very much out in the open, no hidden space whatsoever, whereas our place is on a short dead-end road.

He will have to figure out how to brew! That's a project I can get him interested in.
Hand pumps have a depth limitation.... I believe its a hundred feet. Last time I researched the technology may have changed since then.

Best way is to have a tank for gravity feed... You can put a hand pump on that to provide pressure.

My well only produces about a hundred gallons if left on to "water something" Pump saver switch goes off till the water column refills. Hence the reason I want a Storage tank to trickle fill and a booster pump on that to provide house hold pressure....

Yes, the Simple Pump. I think you can go to 300'. Has a solar/motor option also.

Oh way cool.... need to read more....

My well is a thousand feet from the house therefore I have two pressure tanks to drive the water up hill about a hundred feet and a thousand feet long.

This has been a really good thread, very thought provoking except for the posts that devolved into political and philosophical bickering. Think about one important thing we will all need in the event of any disaster, we need to be able to get along and cooperate to survive whatever comes our way. Those angry posters would likely not survive very long. The Op posed a great question, let’s embrace this opportunity and come together with viable solutions to deal with a disaster regardless of who or what caused it. Politics don’t mean squat when you’re trying to save your own butt!

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