What are you canning now?

Will be doing apples this coming week!

What an amazing picture! Do you get them from a local orchard or grow them?

That's a whole truck load of apples

We travel 4 hrs across the state to get these particular apples. They are free for the taking but they are out in the woods and in brush, old abandoned trees on old homesteads or alongside old roads. Very painful, hard to get to apples but worth every drop of sweat, blood and tears.
They are HUGE old trees, very tall, filled with suckers that reach out and stab you when you get near, so it's an exercise in pain sometimes to glean these apples. Hard, dirty, sweaty work...but they are FREE and they taste better than any apple you can get out there on farm stands or in stores. Wild, tangy, extremely juicy...thin skins and white flesh. They're about 10 different varieties in that truck. That's only 1/3 a truck bed full...we were hoping to get the whole bed full but we were late to the harvest.
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Bee, you worked hard for those apples but I've seen what you can do with other produce and know you will make the most of them. Your description of how they taste was great. I miss the fruit we used to be able to get (you know, the fruit that had flavor, lol).
We travel 4 hrs across the state to get these particular apples.  They are free for the taking but they are out in the woods and in brush, old abandoned trees on old homesteads or alongside old roads.  Very painful, hard to get to apples but worth every drop of sweat, blood and tears.   :gig   They are HUGE old trees, very tall, filled with suckers that reach out and stab you when you get near, so it's an exercise in pain sometimes to glean these apples.  Hard, dirty, sweaty work...but they are FREE and they taste better than any apple you can get out there on farm stands or in stores.  Wild, tangy, extremely juicy...thin skins and white flesh.  There about 10 different varieties in that truck.  That's only  1/3 a truck bed full...we were hoping to get the whole bed full but we were late to the harvest. 

NICE!!! I'm a wee bit jealous, as we lost our apples this year; late frost :(

THAT'S how ya do it lol.... Spiced apples, applesauce, apple cider, apple butter....dried apple chips. .. Ooh I need to talk DH into a trip too ;)

So worth it! ;)
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We lost all our apples to hoards of squirrels..they stripped every tree and we didn't get a bead on a single one to kill it. Too busy working to sit for days trying to ping one of the little thieves. This year's squirrel hunting season is ON, I tell ya!
I'm going to can up squirrel for the first time!
My grandmother used to make her mincemeat out of squirrel. That was one of my favorite Christmas desserts when I was a kid...mincemeat pie.

I had no idea it was squirrel until my brother spilled the beans a couple months ago.
After they've had their fall mast, they are a very good meal....very flavorful. I've never canned one before, but it would render it extremely tender...squirrel gravy!!!

I'll post pics of Grannie's copper kettle in use and all the canned up sauce and such. Should be a beautiful day for it, as the weather will be fall time pretty all week. We plan on making a day of it and having a "working" where the menfolk(my boys) will get in firewood and the women will do apples and cooking the feast, then we'll have a bonfire/weeny roast that night. It will feel like old times.

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