What are you canning now?

oh wait, nix that exclamation point.
But say it in your head with enthusiasm.


Or, Once More, with Feeling?

sorry, been on a big Buffy kick lately.......
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If you have a Target near you or go online... A while back they had a sale and I got a case of 12 pints for under $6.00. I printed the page out and walked into the store and wiped out their shelves and got price matching. First the lady tried to say I could only have 2 case at that price, I asked for the Manager and she aid she'd approve it this "one" time... I hit 3 Targets that day and got about 40 cases. Shared with my friends and they gave me a little more than I paid so basically mine were free. But watch Target online cuz they have free shipping too.
I found someone who wants pears I canned last year(maybe 2 years ago)!!!!! Since I have such a large amount of pears I am willing to give some away to family. My nephew recently got married, moved back to town, bought a house and had a baby boy!!! Actually got to talk to his wife on Thanksgiving and mentioned I had canned pears and I thought she was going to jump off the couch, I guess she really likes pears. I told her long as I get my jars back I am willing to give her a few jars, I still have at least 6 cases of quart jars filled with pears.

Planning on doing different applesauce next year, maybe a 3 apple mix. Want to built a canning stove outside, might be able to run both canners instead of just one. Now that I have multiples of both kinds it should make canning pears and applesauce quicker.
I suppose if it were just the wife and I we could save money but DD just left with her boyfriend and each had leftovers from our second thanksgiving dinner.

They usually leave with leftovers of some kind. I just sent four pints of applesauce and some jelly or jam to TX and FL to the kids there.

It does make a nice hostess gift too. We took quart of applesauce to friends where we went for dinner and they put it where their grown kids and grandkids can't find it.

Here's your hint for the day. If you jelly or jam sets too hard or soft you can still use it. Either redo it if soft or heat it and pour over ice cream, OR use it in smoothies.

I used some blue/black berry in a smoothie. My recipe is 4 bananas, 12 or so frozen strawberries, a half pint of jam and a large container of light vanilla yogurt.
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Anyone got a good recipe for beet roots? My family are used to the stuff from the shops in cans so something not too dissimilar to that.

Want to bottle up baby beets.
I'm back. No snow but it is cold outside. I don't care if it never snows.

So this is what I have in Beets.

Sweet and Sour beets.

Boil, peel and slice 2 cups tender beetes.

Mix and cook until thick the following:
1/2 cup sugar, 2tabsp. butter, 1/2 cup vinegar, 2 tsp. cornstarch.

Add beets and stir until hot. Serve. (recipe Ferne Shelton)

Sour Red Beets

1 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 No. 2 can beets, (yeah right, that's why I'm growing beets so I can buy them in a can) 4 cloves, 2" stick cinnamon.

Drain beets.... Measure juice and add water if necessary..... to make 1 cup ...........Add vinegar, sugar, salt and spices........Bring to a boil..... Pour hot solution over beets.......Let stand in sour juice 24 hours. ( recipe book, Edna Eby Heller)

perhaps of interest?
Liver cakes?

Pigs stomach?

You know for all this talk of how healthy folks ate back in the day there are an awful lot of dessert recipes in these books.

How to cook coon? and Possum? Ground hog? Possum and Chestnuts anyone? Snappin turtle? Frog legs? Catfish soup? Baked Carp? Pigs tail taters? Fried cucumbers? Persimmon pudding? Indian pudding? Mince meat? Vinegar pie, Paw Paw pie,

Beet Plum Jelly: If you'd like this recipe I'll type it up. You'll need 8 cups chopped beets, 8 cups chopped pitted black or red plums.

Beets: Harvest beets well before the first frost in Autumn adn store in boxes through winter. Use the tops like spinach and the baby shoots for delicious winter salads.

Spiced Beet Pickle: Will type up if interested. I don't like pickles so it's not one I'd make.

Pickled Beets? Anyone?

Beet Relish: Will type up if intersted. Uses three pounds of beets, sugar, shallots cider or vinegar, pickling spices The book "Preserve It" is worth the buy since it shows how to store many things. Get it used and save. I find most recipe books considered "used" never were.

Chiogga Beet Quickles: This looks to me to be just another pickled beet recipe but for canning. It does say to use a plastic lid as the vinegar will corrode a metal one.

Pickled Beets w/ Fennel:

I personally don't like beets and since I do other jellies and jellies are a pain, Beet Jelly is not something I'd try. I always hope to find a recipe for something I don't like but is healthy for me that I'll like but rarely do. I hate beets, brussel sprouts and mushrooms.

Not big on spinach but DW does a spinach pie that I'll eat. Too I don't mind it in a salad. Of course with all the varieties out there some aren't quite as strong as others too.

Perhaps covered in chocolate.
Thank you for that! Have bookmarked and will report back when I've harvested and cooked.

As for the old recipes I've noticed that, and sugar, soooo much sugar in their baking. I tend to reduce sugar in most old recipes by at least a 1/4

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