What are you canning now?

We had a small amount of okra leftover after market yesterday....about 5-6 lbs. I made 7 pints Pickled Okra from it last night.


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Got a TON of apples, well, two bushel, and two grocery bags of jalapenos. I need to plan my day around them. I keep seing that Maple Vanilla Apple Butter, is that posted somewhere in here? I haven't looked, and I've not met my caffiene quota today to have brainpower yet....
Its something I make based on vanilla maple pear butter.

6 cups of peeled diced apples
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup maple syrup
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp of vanilla extract

I stew it for 20 minutes, puree it down with a stick blender, then put it in the crockpot to stew down with it vented. Comes out dark amber in color.
Last time I did use gloves...and I guess it worked its way into the rubber. I was washing the window blinds and could not figure out why my hands burned so badly. So, do not down grade the gloves...just throw them out!
I hope you feel better. Alcohol helps. It removes the capsaicin- or if you drink enough of it, it it removes the effort to care.

good luck!

I use the surgical gloves all the time in the kitchen and garden too. They work great and I just throw them out when I'm done. Make sure you get good ones that doctors would wear so they fit nice and tight. Another reason that I like them is that you can feel things with them and in the garden really get a hold on those nasty weeds.

Going out right now to harvest our peppers. The on to apple sauce and apple pie filling.

Cleaning up more produce today

From our pear trees...7 jars Pear Preserves


6 jars Hot Pepper Jelly using Anaheims, Habaneros and Banana Peppers from the gardens. I need this photo for a promotion/ad, so it's a bit more 'artsy'

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Tomato sauce is still cooking away in the crockpot, 6 pints of maple vanilla apple butter done, making red jalapeno jam right now. A friend dropped off some peppers for me - two FULL grocery bags of jalapenos!! I have a ton, well about 60, jalapeno poppers in the freezer, thinking of making a jalapeno apple butter or something too. Lots of jalapenos!!
I didn't get to can or soap or cheese all wkend:( wwaaaaaahhhhh.....
But I did spend the wkend with my 22 yr old RN daughter in a stinky room full of cammo people taking a hunter safety class:) because.... she asked me to. So it was worth it afterall. and when we got home each evening we had fresh salsa and pepper mustard to munch on until dinner:)
I was snagging serviceberries (dried up on their branches) today on horseback and wondered to myself if they wouldn't be a great substitute for raisins in granola.
Has anyone done this? I love the taste!

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