What are you canning now?

I got the bottles from specialtybottles.com ...I got the boston amber 4oz ones. They're perfect!

I made labels on MyOwnLabels.com, very nicely done when I got them!!!
Canned 3 pints of cowboy candy and 3 pints of the "juice" that is leftover---great for marinades.

Cutting up venison to be put in the pressure canner in the morning.
hubby got a 7 pointer this morning and FIL gave us a 5 pointer on Thursday. Have almost 10 pounds marinating in the fridge for jerky!

Actually I just put 4 quarts of the venison in- going to be a long night
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vfem, thats a bummer from france! Mine was in the states somewhere..I used vanilla products. Super fast shipping and I got some free beans!
Just letting you know my experiance. Hope they get here for you soon!! It would be so nice for you to get them on etsy before xmas!!
I probably won't at this rate, but I'm going to try. I'm going to keep the beans in them, so they people who get them just need to refill with vodka, wait and have MORE vanilla! Its exciting to be able to use it over and over again!

Did anyone check out that label website. TOO CUTE!!!
thats what I did with mine, it is super exciting to be able to refill and make more nilla!! I have already used some of mine
and it's only been a week and a half. So don't give up hope!! It's very good.

I also did check out that website, those labels are super cute! Too pricey for personal use, but very cute from a marketing standpoint!!!
I probably won't at this rate, but I'm going to try. I'm going to keep the beans in them, so they people who get them just need to refill with vodka, wait and have MORE vanilla! Its exciting to be able to use it over and over again!

Did anyone check out that label website. TOO CUTE!!!

I checked out the label site.I ordered some can't wait to get them.I usually make my own labels but I'm so busy lately that it makes sense to order some right now.
They have some really nice labels.If this works out with the ones I ordered I'll order more in the future.Thanks for the info!!!

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