What are you canning now?

Wow! How did you come across those cravenchx?!

What are these? How do you use them? Where did you get them?

Search for Tattler reusable lids. www.reusablecanninglids.com You use them just like any other canning lids. I was introduced to them by Patrice Lewis from Rural Revolution.
They are great. They do have a specific instruction on tightening the ring, but you get all that info when you order. Good Luck.
Oh, I canned 5qts. of turkey broth and 5 qts. of collards yesterday.
canned 7 pints of chili today, canned 6 pints of chicken burrito filling yesterday.

pictures and recipe for the burrito filling can be found on my facebook blog.

Have a great new year everyone!
Search for Tattler reusable lids. www.reusablecanninglids.com You use them just like any other canning lids. I was introduced to them by Patrice Lewis from Rural Revolution.
They are great. They do have a specific instruction on tightening the ring, but you get all that info when you order. Good Luck.
Oh, I canned 5qts. of turkey broth and 5 qts. of collards yesterday.


I haven't got a pressure canner yet but hope to and then do up my own chicken broth/stock and veggie stock. By the way, what's the difference between Stock and Broth?

Thanks again,


I haven't got a pressure canner yet but hope to and then do up my own chicken broth/stock and veggie stock. By the way, what's the difference between Stock and Broth?

Thanks again,

Stock is typically not seasoned and really doesn't taste that great. Stock is thick like a gelatin.

Broth is seasoned, usually has salt. Can be eaten by itself, used for soups and such.


I haven't got a pressure canner yet but hope to and then do up my own chicken broth/stock and veggie stock. By the way, what's the difference between Stock and Broth?

Thanks again,

Please make sure you can any stock/broth with pressure. Never try to can any meat products without pressure.
Good luck.
Please make sure you can any stock/broth with pressure. Never try to can any meat products without pressure.
Good luck.

Don't worry I read instructions three and four times before I do anything. Yeah I'm a man but I want to live.

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