What are you canning now?

I saw a while back that someone was looking for jams without sugar. If honey is an option I made Peach Plum Honey Jam today and it came out super tasty! I poster the recipe here: http://artmamasays.blogspot.com/2013/09/peach-plum-honey-jam.html

I am currently in search of a good Apple Pie Filling Recipe that can be canned - I have my fingers crossed for Maple Syrup somewhere in the ingredients... Anybody happen to know of one?
I saw a while back that someone was looking for jams without sugar. If honey is an option I made Peach Plum Honey Jam today and it came out super tasty! I poster the recipe here: http://artmamasays.blogspot.com/2013/09/peach-plum-honey-jam.html

I am currently in search of a good Apple Pie Filling Recipe that can be canned - I have my fingers crossed for Maple Syrup somewhere in the ingredients... Anybody happen to know of one?
THanks for the link-- I was looking for sugar free. I do love honey and I am waiting for the house down the street to post their honey sign.

I don't eat sugars of any kind any more as they cuase hot flashes and binge eating.Splenda doesn't do either. THat could be the taste of sweetness but as sugar is also a preservative, I would think perhaps further processing like pressure canning might be necessary . . . .IDK.

Hmmm . . . DH friend would give us canned apple pie mix every year . . .. let me email DH . . . .
Sorry that honey isn't an option... I saw a recipe somewhere that used apple juice concentrate instead of a sweetener in an apple butter. Would that work?

Thanks for helping with the apple pie search!
Sorry that honey isn't an option... I saw a recipe somewhere that used apple juice concentrate instead of a sweetener in an apple butter. Would that work?

Thanks for helping with the apple pie search!
Basically I live a carb restricted diet-- I can eat fresh fruit a little at a time. So I'm trying to find/create recipes that I can use: no added sweeteners. I figured I would ask as the members of this thread would know for sure.

Will let you know when I have an answeron the apple pie filling-- it is good! I would eat the whole jar all by myself and not share!! That good. But that was before going low carb. Now I just eat half an apple.
Basically I live a carb restricted diet-- I can eat fresh fruit a little at a time. So I'm trying to find/create recipes that I can use: no added sweeteners. I figured I would ask as the members of this thread would know for sure.

Will let you know when I have an answeron the apple pie filling-- it is good! I would eat the whole jar all by myself and not share!! That good. But that was before going low carb. Now I just eat half an apple.
Have you seen this website? There are tons of great recipes.

Last week I canned apple pie filling with corn starch for a thickener. It tasted really good but didn't get as thick as I like. I also canned applesauce, apple butter, apple jelly, and apple syrup .( The syrup was a result of a big batch of jelly that didn't gel. It sure is yummy on waffles! ) I have one and a half more 5 gallon buckets to go. I also froze some peels and cores to cook later for juice for jelly. Why is it always that the week you have the most canning to do it is also 90 plus degrees outside? We'll enjoy it this winter though.

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