What are you canning now?

I make an apple liquor from extra apples!

I fill quart jars with fresh quartered apples, skin, core and all. Then cover in cheap vodka and store at the back of the pantry for 2-4 months. Filter the alcohol out when ready and bottle. You can through out the apple left overs... if you want!

Sounds like something I'm gonna try....thanks for the idea!
I am staring at the last of the tomatoes, a ton of squash and 2 5 gal pails of peppers...hot mostly...a few greens. I think I will do some pepper jelly. DH likes it...I found the recipe in that recipe index. It doesnt use very many hot peppers though

What in the world can I do with the rest??? I hated to pull the plants...they were still making flowers! Same with a lot of my garden...who ever heard of picking in mid October in WI?

SOmebody asked about the 1" of water over the jars...I have NEVER had a complete inch over them! The canning kettles they make dont seem to allow for that on standard quart jars. Mine always seal and I havent had any problems with the seals going bad. I bought a canner at St Vinnies and guess what? It is taller and my jars can now have enough water above them...but now I am OUT of jars!
Terri O
Woo-la.......FINISHED with the salsa!! Ended up making more than we intended too but that is fine. We eat tons of it, my kids love it and we give it as gifts at Christmas. We design labels on the computer to put on the jars, tie raffia ribbon around it and attach a homemade gift tag. Oh yeah, we always give a bag of tortilla chips to go along with it!!
Ty Terry.I hope they are ok they are still sealed and I checked 1 just to make sure that it was a good tight seal, and they seem fine.
I hear ya about the garden in October in Wisconsin......usually the only thing ever left in there after Sept 15th is sometimes carrots, that can be left till the ground starts setting up. But be careful and forwarned, Wi. weather can change in a heart beat,.year before last I left the carrots till late October and lost them all due to a beautiful fall day that started out at 70 or so by early afternoon it was pouring, by supper time it was freezing rain, by 8pm it was snowing raining, and by morning the ground was frozen solid, and there ain't no digging them after that unless you own a jack hammer, I hoped maybe it would warm back up, but it didn't they were still there come spring. so a temperature drop of over 70 degree's in a 24 hour period can and does happen here, love those Alberta Clipper systems. I wish Canada would keep those.
How long have you lived here forever like me? I was born in Appleton. Lived here all my life except 1 year when X hubby was in the ARMY we lived in Colo. Springs.

Oopps I forgot to add the caning cupboard pictures and my apples



I also added a case of Apple mind Jelly last night and a case of Apple Cinnamon Syrup, no pictures oif those though I forgot.
All canning is done except, my broth and chicken soup, as soon as I make myself butcher these extra roo's...........argggggg I really don't wanna so many nice roosters in this batch, the first batch many were mean or very unfriendly but these guys, are so sweet for roosters. OH well must make myself do it and soon. I've already put off 3 weeks now.

OK edit again LOL can anyone tell me why 1 batch of my Apples in the water bath are still a nice color and the ones from the pressure canner are more orangey????
I noticed this with a couple things I did this year? whats up
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I just processed a batch of green-tomato mincemeat (minus the meat). The recipe, in my mother's hand, is dated 1949, from a neighbor who was then an elderly lady, so I'll bet it's at least 100 years old. I've been meaning to make it for years and finally managed it. SO good! No tomato flavor at all - I swear that with those spices and flavors you could make it with sawdust and it would be delicious.
Ty Terry.I hope they are ok they are still sealed and I checked 1 just to make sure that it was a good tight seal, and they seem fine.
I hear ya about the garden in October in Wisconsin......usually the only thing ever left in there after Sept 15th is sometimes carrots, that can be left till the ground starts setting up. But be careful and forwarned, Wi. weather can change in a heart beat,.year before last I left the carrots till late October and lost them all due to a beautiful fall day that started out at 70 or so by early afternoon it was pouring, by supper time it was freezing rain, by 8pm it was snowing raining, and by morning the ground was frozen solid, and there ain't no digging them after that unless you own a jack hammer, I hoped maybe it would warm back up, but it didn't they were still there come spring. so a temperature drop of over 70 degree's in a 24 hour period can and does happen here, love those Alberta Clipper systems. I wish Canada would keep those.
How long have you lived here forever like me? I was born in Appleton. Lived here all my life except 1 year when X hubby was in the ARMY we lived in Colo. Springs.

Oopps I forgot to add the caning cupboard pictures and my apples
I also added a case of Apple mind Jelly last night and a case of Apple Cinnamon Syrup, no pictures oif those though I forgot.
All canning is done except, my broth and chicken soup, as soon as I make myself butcher these extra roo's...........argggggg I really don't wanna so many nice roosters in this batch, the first batch many were mean or very unfriendly but these guys, are so sweet for roosters. OH well must make myself do it and soon. I've already put off 3 weeks now.

OK edit again LOL can anyone tell me why 1 batch of my Apples in the water bath are still a nice color and the ones from the pressure canner are more orangey????
I noticed this with a couple things I did this year? whats up

Could the higher heat cause a chang in color?
I was wondering that or maybe the high temp with my water, or maybe I just used more cinnamon in the second batch........I think I used the same but ya know me can never leave well enough alone....... I alwasy change things up, like the original recipe for my apples called for all sugar I used half honey........ but Itr isn't the honey because that was in both batches. hmmmmmmmmm My green beans too were weird, the seed inside turned orangey....... and they are too soft for me, the cook time was too long in my opinion.
Finnished up all my apple sauce! I ended up with 53 quarts and mom got 14. Can someone tell me why after doing 32 quarts with little to no air pockets we started getting air pockets? The only thing changed was the apples they where off a different tree and taisted different. But we canned and processed them all the same. I noticed that the apples where less tart is all. Any ideas?
I love the canning pics! Someday I hope to fill my pantry with my own canned goods! And my pantry is HUGE!

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