What Are Your Plans For 2021?

What Are Your Plans For 2021?

  • Upgrade My Coop and/or Run

    Votes: 143 49.1%
  • Invest in New Technology

    Votes: 29 10.0%
  • Increase Chicken Treats

    Votes: 31 10.7%
  • Purchase/add more Chicken Toys

    Votes: 46 15.8%
  • Get More Chicks/Chickens

    Votes: 165 56.7%
  • Add other poultry in addition to chickens (ducks, turkey etc.)

    Votes: 65 22.3%
  • Reduce Feed Costs

    Votes: 51 17.5%
  • Add a New Breed/s To My Flock

    Votes: 124 42.6%
  • Reduce Flock Number

    Votes: 25 8.6%
  • Nothing, will keep things as is

    Votes: 25 8.6%
  • Other (please elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 28 9.6%
  • Participate in a Hatch-A-Long

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Build NEW Coop and/or Run

    Votes: 38 13.1%
  • Buy a New Coop and/or Run

    Votes: 14 4.8%

  • Total voters

BYC Project Manager

BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Feb 22, 2009
It's hard to believe another year is passing. As the popular old saying goes, “There’s always next year.” Flock management, forage, infrastructure? Identifying areas in need of improvement is always a must in most areas of life. And the same goes when it comes to your backyard flock. As 2020 bids us goodbye, what are your plans for 2021 when it comes to your beloved backyard flock?

2021 (3).png

Here's another exciting 2021 Resolutions Poll.

(Then check out more Official BYC Polls HERE!)
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It's hard to believe another year is passing. As the popular old saying goes, “There’s always next year.” Flock management, forage, infrastructure? Identifying areas in need of improvement is always a must in most areas of life. And the same goes when it comes to your backyard flock. As 2020 bids us goodbye, what are your plans for 2021 when it comes to your beloved backyard flock?

View attachment 2453419

(Check out more Official BYC Polls HERE!)
I’m hoping to hatch out my own ducks and build a brand new coop and run :D
I love this poll!

I plan to do a lot of hatching and buying chicks. I would like to buy around 40 day-old chicks and sell them at the age of 6 weeks. I plan on getting turkeys and several new breeds of chickens! :celebrate

I'll let my pair of pigeons breed if they wish, and maybe get Homers.

I'll fix up that old coop my neighbor gave me, and maybe sneak in a few more coops 🤫

I am going to start a Black Soldier Fly farm for the chickens and growing fodder (though I'll probably start this before the end of the year). My goal is to cover all feed costs and get profit just by hatching and raising poultry.

Yep, it'll be a busy and fun year :wee
I love this poll!

I plan to do a lot of hatching and buying chicks. I would like to buy around 40 day-old chicks and sell them at the age of 6 weeks. I plan on getting turkeys and several new breeds of chickens! :celebrate

I'll let my pair of pigeons breed if they wish, and maybe get Homers.

I'll fix up that old coop my neighbor gave me, and maybe sneak in a few more coops 🤫

I am going to start a Black Soldier Fly farm for the chickens and growing fodder (though I'll probably start this before the end of the year). My goal is to cover all feed costs and get profit just by hatching and raising poultry.

Yep, it'll be a busy and fun year :wee
So exciting!
I'm still planning on getting 6 more chickens next spring but winter always gets me so depressed and now I'm doubting myself. I started work on a coop and lost motivation completely...it's only when I come on here that I feel a spark of interest again 🤦‍♀️ My main problem is that I would like to get bantams but I'm pretty sure my other customers wouldn't buy the eggs...so I'd have a freeloading flock and I'm not sure I have finances to do that.
My coop definitely needs a new roof so I'd like to hopefully pull that off next year but I think I would also like to try to reduce my flock size. I don't know if that will actually happen but with me working throughout the summer months and trying to keep up with my Etsy shop, my family often has to care for my flock for me. I know my husband isn't thrilled with that as it is so smaller flock size, less work for them to do. But only the chicken flock. My turkey flock seems to grow every year no matter what I do lol

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