What breed are these featherballs?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 13, 2013
I got my first flock over the summer: 12 "Rhode Island Reds." There are 10 I'm confident are actually RIRs, but these two I'm not so sure about.

- They are much larger than the RIRs: maybe an inch taller and a good 1-2 inches fatter. I poked their chests once, and there is definitely some good meat there.
- They are about the same age as the RIRs (7ish months), but their combs never got any bigger. Redder, yes. Bigger, no.
- They're very antisocial, both with the other birds and with me. My RIRs all gather around whenever I get in the run, but these two just hide and avoid me as much as possible.
- Any time I successfully pick them up, they struggle like crazy. They're the only two who will not calm down and will not give up until they're back on the ground.
- They're on the bottom of the pecking order and stick out like sore thumbs. The one with some tail is second from the bottom; the one who looks more tail-less is at the very bottom.

The feed store where I got them suggested that they might be Production Reds?

I'm also not actually sure they're laying. I get about 9-10 eggs per day, and I've just been assuming that these guys are the slackers, but I don't know how to check whether or not that's really the case. I know you can tell by comb color, but since their combs are so tiny I'm having a hard time comparing them.

If they're not producing, I want to cull them. They really seem more like meat birds than layers. And if they are producing... well, what the heck are they??
They aren't rhode island reds and I don't think they are production reds. They look like some dark cornish we had except they are redish instead of black. Sorry I am not very helpful.
Hey, no problem! Any insight is helpful. I was also thinking maybe they were a Cornish/RIR mix or something...

Just trying to decide if it's worth keeping them around or if they're better suited for the freezer. :/
If they're from a hatchery, they're just generic red hatchery birds.

Do they have pea combs? the first hen makes me think of a Buckeye, but not the second.
What type of comb do they have? If you don't know, could you post a photo of each bird's head and comb? The first one almost looks like a Buckeye, but they could just be hatchery-quality Rhode Island Reds or some sort of mixed breed.
I'm not sure if they're pea combs or just very, very small single combs (if that even happens). I'll try to get a picture tomorrow -- won't be able to do it tonight before the sun goes down. :(

Thanks for the input everyone!
I have some RIR that are about that age and they already have the bigger combs and RIR don't have pea combs. They could be a cross.
Okay, it took me a LONG time to get these pictures up, but here are the best I could get. It's so hard to get them to stay still for long. :p

I guess these are pea combs? I hadn't really gotten a close look until recently, and I think I'm still not clear on what pea combs are. I thought the bumps would be bigger. Anyway, I hope these are clear enough!

So... definitely Buckeyes, then?

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