What breed is your broody?

Here is a pic of our Modern with her babies

My BO is 9 months old and brooding her first clutch! This is her third time going broody


My GLW went broody at the same time, but she's in the process of being broken (for the 2nd time)

Is that more than usual? Haha I'm new to chickens and just thought they went broody often
. Unfortunately 4 of the 6 eggs look infertile
I'll hold onto them until day 10, but I'm getting hatchery chicks due the same day so that she'll have some to raise
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Mine is a GLW, gone broody for the 3rd time, she is 11 months old. She was broody from Jan till the end of March!! Finally broke her of it & now a month later, she's broody again! I have no roos so no fertile eggs for her to hatch.....
We broke ours as well. Stick them in a wire cage up off the ground and she should be non-broody in 3 nights
My broody of the week is a Muscovy duck. No males around, so it is a hiss and whine attack every time I snatch out the eggs she is sitting on... Glad ducks have no teeth!

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