What breed is your broody?

Am I the first one to post a broody White Leghorn? She hatched 7 out of 8 eggs with her skinny little self, and was a great Mama -


Now the Ameraucana and Olive Egger (Marans X EE cross) that she hatched out are broody.

One kept insisting on sitting in the same box, but now I've got them separated. They are sitting on a total of 11 Speckled Sussex eggs. I'm a bit worried, though, as the same one that kept crimbing into the nest box with her sister had escaped her enclosure and was sitting in the wrong box after work today. Don't know how long she was over there, but at least I am in Florida and the nest box is about 90degrees. If she does it again I might have to put the eggs in the 'bator. I only gave her three because of her craziness.
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My silkies will keep sitting if I take babies due to off set hatch dates
and a frizzled cochin and a big red mix hen and this year 2 of my polish/sultans went broody. Boy they are meanier than any roo or game hen I have ever come across. I can't even get eggs out of the huge nest box from the other hens. They go wild and fly up attacking me. I don't even know how many eggs they got because they steal the newly laid eggs and won't let me have them.
I have 3 broody silkies and a broody BLRW! These girls need to be un-broody! 1 has 4 babies
, 1 is on 6 eggs with good development
and the other 2 , I have to keep taking the eggs from! I really wish the BLRW would be broody when I need her to be for the pure BLRW babies!! Every time I go out, I have all these girls screaming at me!!
The silkies babies are all pure and out of my B/B/S pen so I am super excited to see how they turn out! They have SQ parents so they should be NICE babies
Two out of our three French Black Copper Marans are well into broodiness. There goes my selling fertile marans eggs! And now a white orp has started!
Am I unhappy? nooooo.. I have 41 eggs in a bator that will be candled and spread around to the three. YES!.. NO BABYSITTING!!!! And to think I was worried what to do with the eggs the two marans couldn't cover:)
Lest you think we are shirking, we have had 3 hatches in the bator already this spring!
New worry: I don't have a broody house: they are all full of growing chicks.

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