What breed is your friendliest chicken? Pictures of my curious birds!

Goob chickens

7 Years
Nov 2, 2012
All of my birds are super friendly but we have a Buff Orpington called Biscuit that is so curious. On her first 3 months here she would climb through the window and lay her eggs in our housemates bed. She's always trying to find a way into the house, I've found her sitting on the couch numerous times. She's always at my feet and loves being held. I'm curious about what chicken breed is your most inquisitive and friendly chicken?

Pictures encouraged!

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I have a rhode island red whichc is the most curious in my flock by far. she is the only chicken of mine who will come to me to see what i'm doing. the rest mind their own buisness.
Whenever i am cleaning out their coop or doing any other work around them she will make sure what im doing is ok with her.

This is her right here wondering what i have in my hands...
Ha she looks so inquisitive! What a cutie. I have 2 Rhode Island Red's as well but they are the more timid of the bunch. They're so fast! I can't ever catch them.

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